Page 117 of Resolve

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“We are.”

His quiet words weren’t helping her nerves. “I don’t mind if we date and have sex.” His features were like stone. She fought to catch her breath. “This can’t be a long-term relationship.”

“Why is that?” Ice dripped from his tone.

“I don’t do relationships.” Not anymore. He deserved more than she could give him.

“Oh?” He slid closer, and his thigh pressed up against hers. “You were in a pretty serious relationship when Ruby and Peter first met.”

He would remember that. It was true, but Will abandoned her when she needed him the most. She wouldn’t take a chance again. “I was, but the relationship failed.”

“He failed.”

She opened her mouth and closed it. Why couldn’t she tell him? Because she cared, damn it, and was afraid of how he would react.

“Can you tell me what happened?” Gavin waved away the waiter as he approached.

“I want to.” Tears gathered in her eyes, but she pushed them away. They’d had several wonderful nights together. Between their short lived relationship and the years she’d known him, he’d wormed his way into her heart. “I need you to listen to me.”

He nodded.

“I want you to be happy. You love your family; I love your family. Ruby and I have only had each other since our parents died when I was eighteen.”

“My family feels the same way about you and Ruby.”

“One of the reasons I’ve avoided a relationship with you is because of your family.”

“You think they would disapprove?” He frowned.

“No.” Her throat closed up. “You deserve a woman who can give you everything you want. I can’t.” She forced air into her lungs. “When I was nineteen, I had an abortion.”

His eyes widened, but the shock and pain on his face said it all to her. He was upset by her news.

“Years later, I found out I have a low egg count. I’m so sorry, but I can probably never have kids.” She slipped from the booth and hurried from the restaurant. Thank goodness there was a taxi out front with its passengers climbing out. She hopped in and fought her tears all the way home. Now he knew her secret, and he’d hate her for it. All she wanted to do was get home and curl up in a ball.

* * *

Gavin sat there stunned.An abortion? Unable to have kids? Why did she think this was problem for him? He shook his head to clear away his shock at her words. He needed to think straight. She’d run away from him, again. Damn it.

Outrage flowed through him. Did she think him so shallow he wouldn’t understand? He scooted out of the booth. He needed to get to her.

“Sir? Is something wrong?”

“Yes, no…fuck.” He pulled his wallet from his pocket and handed the waiter a hundred dollar bill. “It should cover the wine and your tip.” Gavin sprinted out of the restaurant, but there was no sight of Amber.

The valet approached. “Did you see a woman in a black dress run out here a few minutes ago?” he asked the young man.

“Yes, sir. The cute one with the stunning green eyes. She got into a cab.”

“Thanks.” Gavin ran to his SUV. She would have gone home. He needed to see her. They needed to talk about this. He hadn’t even thought about having children; their relationship was too new.

He’d lost his heart to her. If he were honest with himself, it had happened long before now. He’d known the break-up with her ex had been hard on her but not the reason why. None of it mattered. Gavin was going to fight for her, with her. She needed him, and he was going to be there for her. Once at the cottage, he was glad to see her car was still in the driveway. He rang the doorbell. Nothing. He tried again. Still silence. He pulled out his phone. Voicemail. “Amber, answer me.” He pounded on the front door and redialed her number. “I need to know you’re okay.”

“I’m fine.” Her voice came from his phone.

His heart pounded. “Please, let me in.”

“No.” He could hear the tears in her voice.
