Page 76 of Resolve

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Graham reached into his pocket for his phone.

“I’ll make the arrangements.”


21 hours till Dallas…

“I can’t remember the last time I took a road trip just for fun.” Shay watched the California terrain turn into desert.

The gentle rumble of the radio filled the car, but a glance at Graham revealed he was on edge. His hands flexed against the steering wheel. He rotated his neck side to side, letting out a hiss every time.

“You shouldn’t be this tense driving a car.”

“I think that car is following us,” Graham grunted.

Shay glanced behind them at the beat-up minivan. She saw a toy being thrown around and several tiny hands grappling for it.

“Yes, the minivan full of small children and stressed-out parents is following us.”

Graham raised a brow at her. “It’s not something to joke about.”

“I’m safe. I’m always safe with you.” Shay placed a hand on his thigh and felt him tense further.


Her heart ricocheted off her ribs as his green eyes stared into hers. Electricity passed between them, filling the car, and she struggled to remain still.

“I can never forgive myself. He was near you.”

“No one knew what he was capable of.”

Closing her eyes briefly, she thought about that night. Graham was by her side almost every day of the year. He deserved time off to see his family.She wasn’t a monster employer. He could have a life outside of her. Even when she missed him like crazy.

“I’ll prove myself again to you.”

Shay grimaced. “I believe in you. I always have.”

What began as a small crush seven years ago had grown into a tsunami of emotions that warred within her. It wasn’t just the way Graham looked. It washim.Those small moments he let her have a peek into the real him. She knew he hated gummy worms. He liked old man movies from the fifties. When he chuckled, he wrinkled his nose.

Yet over the years, she wanted to be more than friends, but he couldn’t see beyond her past.Like everyone else.

“You think too highly of me after a mistake like that.” Graham motioned to the notebook in her lap. “You’ve thought of a new song already?”

Most of her songs hadn’t seen the light of day. They were diary entries about pivotal moments in her life.

“I have.”

Graham raised a brow. “When am I going to hear it?”

Shay gave him a look of horror.

“‘Be My Angel’was a song you wrote on your own. It’s been a hit for years. I know you have other hits in there.”

“I know, but that was before the incident. Barney said—”

“Fuck him.”

Shay’s eyes widened at the brusque way he said it.
