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Beckham’s mom stands a few feet away, smiling. “We would love to have him spend the night. Beckham has been asking for a few weeks now.”

I glance at Chip, who is literally begging with his hands clasped in front of him. “I guess that would be fine.”

She reaches into her purse, pulling out a card. “This has my number. Just call tomorrow before you come and get him. And no rush.”

The card stock is thick, and probably cost a lot more than I’d be able to spend if I had a business card. I tuck it into my notebook, careful not to bend it.

“Thanks. I have to work until two tomorrow. If that’s too late, my neighbor can probably pick him up.”

“Two is perfect. No rush at all, really.” She turns to the kids. “Come on, boys. We’re going to get pizza on the way home.”

Both boys run around in circles, yelling, “Pizza!”

Beckham’s mom leads them away, smiling. She is a brave woman, because those boys are going to be wound up all night long. I reach for my phone, only to remember that Chip lost it. Well, crap. Looks like Belle and I are going to have to take the train home. It’ll be cheaper, I tell myself. That doesn’t do much to shake the lingering feeling of dread that seems to hang around me like a blanket.

Lifting the carrier, I make my way outside. It’s dark out, and I speed walk to the train stop, thankful there are a handful of people waiting. Most will get off before my stop, I’m sure of it, but at least I won’t be alone. When the train arrives, I manage to find two seats, and put Belle’s carrier in one. Unlike the asshole from before, if someone gets on and needs the chair, I will move her so they can sit.

There’s an intoxicated man at the front of the train car, who is singing loudly. Judging by the puddle on the ground that’s moving our way, he’s urinated himself. Ugh. Never a dull moment.

“Hey you! You! The pretty lady with the baby,” he calls out. “I had a dream about you. They were out to get you, and there was nothing you could do to stop it. So, you better run before the big, bad men grab you.”

Goosebumps lift on my skin, and I have to fight physically shivering. Someone tells the man to shut up, and he rants at them. I know he has no idea what he’s talking about, but his words have unnerved me. A lot. Largely in part because I keep getting the feeling that someoneiswatching me.Stalking me.Hunting me…

Turning my attention out the window, I drown out all the noise around me as the train flies through the night. By the time we reach my stop, Belle and I are the only ones getting off. The drunk man is still there and gives me a smile as I step off the train. I hurriedly make my way down the stairs to the street level, only to find that the streetlamp next to the station is out.

It’s only nine, but it feels later with no light. Holding Belle’s carrier as close to my body as I can, I head in the apartment's direction. With each moment that passes, I feel that same sense of fear washing over me I’ve felt for weeks now.

Run, my body screams.

Sometimes I can fight the feeling. Tonight, I can’t. I pick up my pace. My chest feels tight as I speed-walk down the sidewalk. The hairs on the back of my neck stand, making me terrified to see what’s behind me. I shouldn’t look, but I have to. Glancing over my shoulder, I don’t see a damn thing, but the feeling is still there. There’s a black SUV parked on the side of the street. Is someone in there? Is that where this feeling is coming from?

The feeling increases and I face forward. I’m jogging fighting the wind and Belle’s carrier. My lungs burn, but I will not stop. I can’t. If I do, something bad is going to happen. My instincts scream for me to run, and I’m so close to giving in. My gut tells me that if I run, someone is going to chase. Just the thought makes my throat tight, and I have to fight for my next breath.

If I had my phone, I would call my boyfriend, Kyle. He would calm me down, telling me how stupid I’m being right now. Kyle. Shit! He’s probably wondering where I am since I was supposed to swing by his place tonight. Now my pace is hurried so that I can get home and use the landline at our house to call him.

Belle whimpers. God, please don’t let her wake up. That’s all I need right now, on top of everything else. The intense feeling that I’m being stalked is still there, but now I have other things to distract me. Or, so I think, until the SUV that was parked behind me slowly creeps past. I stumble, almost falling, before righting myself. My apartment building is just ahead, and so what do I do?

I run.

* * *


I watch her from the shadows of my SUV as she struggles against the wind and the carrier. She knows I’m here, which makes watching her that much more…delicious. It would be so easy to pull up to the curb and offer her a ride. She wouldn’t take it, though. I’ve seen how she acts when males get too close. She’s like a spooked animal that needs to be shown what a gentle touch feels like. Or to be brought to heel. My cock throbs at the thought.

The siblings are going to be a problem. She’s not going to want to leave them behind, but I’m not looking to have children underfoot. Something tells me I’m going to have to solve this dilemma before I put my plan into action. Wonder how Maurice feels about kids. The thought makes my lips twitch. I can barely pull him out of his laboratory to take care of business. I’m sure a kid would send all the loose cogs in his head spinning out of control.

But something will have to be done, and soon. I’ve watched her to the point of becoming obsessed. Now it’s time to claim her. Dove Potts is mine.

She just doesn’t know it yet.



I hate Mondays, but especially today. My weekend was shit. Belle’s fever got so high on Friday night that I had to take her to the emergency room. They gave me crap, since I’m not her parent, and my father was nowhere to be found. But she got the treatment that she needed. That didn’t mean she felt much better, though. By the time we got back to the apartment, and I called my boyfriend, he was pissed at me and hung up on me.

On Saturday, I left Belle with Mrs. McCarthy and went to work at the diner. It was busy, and we were short-staffed. To make matters worse, people weren’t tipping very well. Half-way through my shift, I got a call from Mrs. McCarthy, saying Belle wouldn’t stop crying and that she needed me to come and get her. So, I left work early, and my boss threatened to fire me. His threats are empty, though, because I’m the only person desperate enough to stick around.
