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‘Pryana, you will be meeting your mentor here.’ Erik opens a large metal door and quickly withdraws her arm from his. Too quickly. Pryana notices and skulks inside.

‘We aren’t training together?’ I ask as innocently as possible, as Erik shuts the door.

‘No.’ He grins. ‘You’re off the hook for once.’

I try to keep up my wide-eyed act, but it crumbles easily. ‘Thank Arras.’

‘I’ll pretend I didn’t hear that.’ Erik laughs and offers his arm.

I slide my own through, feeling a little awkward. I’ve never walked with a man like this. ‘So, can I ask you something?’ I try to sound nonchalant, but it comes out too rushed.

‘Of course,’ he says airily, and I’m struck by how casual he is when he’s away from Maela.

‘How did you wind up here?’

‘That’s a long story.’ He sighs.

‘I’m betting most of us have long stories.’

‘You’d be right,’ he agrees. ‘I sort of ran away from home, and now there’s nothing to go back to. I was only fifteen at the time, but the Guild took me in when it became evident I possessed certain necessary qualifications that Maela needed in an assistant.’

‘Necessary qualifications?’

‘I have what can best be described as flexible morals.’ He turns the full force of his crooked smile on and slows his pace.

‘Did your parents die?’

A shadow of a frown flits over his face and he nods. Although he quickly changes the topic. ‘Did Josten take good care of you the other day?’

For a moment the question paralyses me, but then I remember that Erik had sent him to check in on me, so I say yes.

‘I’m sorry I couldn’t return but I had some pressing duties. Maela can have quite a temper, especially when she’s been challenged.’

‘I noticed.’

‘I don’t want to throw you back in the cell again, Adelice, so if you could be a little more . . .’

‘Amiable?’ I offer.

‘Obedient,’ he corrects, and I wince at the term.

‘I know as well as anybody how unfair she can be, but she’s running the show, so take my advice.’ There’s a plea in his voice, and it runs all the way up to his sparkling eyes.

Enora is waiting for me in a large, airy room. On one side windows overlook the enclosed courtyard. I think they’re actually real, and I long to reach through and feel the air. The others look out onto the sea. It’s calm today, a perfect mirror of the cloudless sky. These screens were probably programmed to make me feel tranquil, and perhaps less defensive. Against the wall screens overlooking the sea, a small steel loom sits.

‘How are you feeling today?’ she asks as we enter. I smile. I suspect that my mentor may only be a few years older than myself, but she clucks over me like a mother hen.

‘Great,’ I respond simply, wondering if she sees the fat lip Pryana gave me.

‘Enora, can you take her back to her quarters when you’re finished? Or would you like me to return?’ Erik asks from the doorway.

‘I can manage it,’ Enora says graciously. ‘Thank you for your assistance.’

Despite how much I like her, I feel disappointed that I won’t be seeing him again today. ‘Yes, thank you, Erik.’

‘It was my distinct pleasure.’ He bows his head slightly and then he’s gone.

‘He’s a bit of a charmer,’ Enora warns.
