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‘Why? She hasn’t done you any favours.’ He tightens his grip on my waist to keep me from pulling away to go to her.

‘So? She’s being used.’

‘As far as I’ve seen, she’s throwing herself at him,’ he says. ‘Shamelessly, I might add.’

‘You have a point. It just feels wrong.’

‘She’s hoping to move up,’ he says. ‘You all hope there’s some way to rise in the ranks or to escape. The sooner she learns there isn’t, the better.’

His cold response sucks the air out of me. He may have been talking about Pryana, but he knew I was thinking the same thing.

‘Don’t be offended.’ He takes my chin in his hand and draws my face up until our eyes meet. I can see the red of my hair flaming in his deep blue eyes. ‘You aren’t throwing yourself at a fat, old letch.’

‘But you know I would take any opportunity to escape,’ I whisper.

‘The difference,’ he says, matching his voice to mine, ‘is that you’re smart enough to realise a ploy like that won’t work. You’d have a plan.’

I blush and turn my face out of his hand so he can’t see my embarrassment.

‘In fact,’ he murmurs, leaning against my hair, ‘I can’t wait to see what you’ll try.’

‘Try?’ I ask innocently.

‘To escape,’ he clarifies, and I stiffen in his arms. ‘No, don’t worry. If you can get out, more power to you. No one ever has before.’

‘Perhaps because they depended on men to do it?’ I offer, and look up to see his mouth split into a wide grin.

‘See what I mean?’ He laughs and pulls me closer. ‘You’re already smarter than every girl here.’

‘Including Maela?’ I spy her out of the corner of my eye, chatting animatedly with a gentle

man at the bar. I’m glad she’s otherwise engaged.

‘Especially Maela,’ he says, and sighs. ‘She’s not an intellectual. She acts on her whims.’

‘She must have had a rough childhood.’

‘Yes,’ he says solemnly, ‘there was a serious lack of puppies.’

I laugh and settle against his chest, glad I’m smart enough not to be cosied up to a drunk old man, but wondering exactly what I’m getting myself into with a charming young one.

Enora’s voice hissing in my ear pulls me away from the moment. ‘Come with me now.’

As she drags me away, I shoot Erik an apologetic look. Without wasting any time, Enora pulls me into the powder room.

‘What are you thinking?’ she demands.

‘I don’t—’

But she cuts me off with a finger and throws open the door to the toilet. It’s vacant, so she crosses over to the main door and locks it.

‘Now?’ I ask.

‘Yes,’ she snaps.

I fold my arms over my bare chest. ‘I’m not sure what you mean.’ Except, of course, I am.

‘Don’t play dumb. It doesn’t suit you.’
