Page 95 of Guilty as Sin

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She pushed him away to look into his eyes, "Even at the first."

He grinned sexily at her, "The first time I laid eyes upon you I understood why Earl wanted you so badly. Why do you think I let you come with me?"

"Because I was an insistent nag?" she laughed softly against his ear.

"Aw yes, but you were a sweet innocent nag…" he kisses her lips once more and she was lost to his persuasive ways. Suddenly he entered her, finding her hot and wet for him, he sighed with contentment. She rode him in the chair, and then the chair collapsed and they both laughed. Still the need was there to finish what they started, so they lay on the kitchen floor, making love for over an hour. They couldn't seem to get enough of each other.

Even afterwards, after the sensational orgasm left them weak, he kissed her breasts and touched her everywhere, lingering in the throes of their passion.

"You become more beautiful every day." He told her.

"There is not a day I don't want you, my husband," she cried with a smile and her kisses going over him.

They loved on each other, kissing off and on, touching each other in private places, then finally they put their clothes on again as a contentment filled them.

Jack returned almost at noon and she had prepared a meal for them.

"What did Hal Gordon say?" Moon asked.

"He was surprised and eager to help me find a buyer." Jack told him. "He seemed to try to talk me out of selling, but I told him I wanted to enjoy my life, what was left of it. He understood. He said if no one came up with the price I set, he'd buy it himself."

"Well, that's something to look forward to." Lissa told him with a smile.

In the next two months Moon and Jack had the cubs trained pretty well, but Moon didn't want to turn them over to the new owners until he was sure they'd take instructions from them. They were still young, and he had to be sure that it would be safe for the new owners.

Then one day, the doc drove up in the yard unexpectedly.

"Doc, what brings you out here?"

The doc walked up to the porch, saw the pups and hesitated. "They won't bother you, come on up."

"I've got some news, are Moon and Melissa here?"

Jack looked a bit startled at his question. Jack didn't know that the Doc knew about Melissa.

But he hollered for Moon, and they came out on the porch.

"Doc, what bring you out?" Moon asked.

Lissa stayed close to Moon.

"Melissa, your father… he's dead!" The Doc said.

Melissa stared straight at him now, "My father?"

"Yes." The Doc seemed to watch her now.

"What happened?"

"It's called alcohol poisoning. It killed him. By the time he came to me he was too far gone. I'm sorry, I thought you had a right to know." The doc looked away.

"But before he died, he said he killed Earl."

"What?" Lissa's eyes pinned him now.

"He said they got in an argument over a poker game, they were both drunk, and he chased Earl into the barn that night and killed him. He said he barely remembered doing it, that's why he blamed you."

Lissa sat stone still. "It's not true!"
