Page 63 of Stay With Me

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"A woman?" Charlie frowned at her.

"A woman could do such a thing. Out of hate or revenge."

"Laura?" Clay and Charlie chimed.

"Why would she purposely hurt us." Willa asked.

Cora shook her head, "Revenge is one of the biggest motives. Her mother was killed by Indians. If she thought Willa was in the cabin, she might have done it, herself."

"Or Ed!" Charlie chimed in once more. "Ed threatened to."

"At least no one was hurt." Cora looked at Willa, "Let's go make some coffee and see about some supper." She told her.

Willa followed her as the men talked about the fire.

Seeing the stress on Willa's face she changed the subject. "Are you anxious for the wedding?" Cora asked her as she cleaned the coffee pot and made more.

Willa nodded, setting Elan in a safe place on the floor to play. "Yes, I can hardly wait. It will not come too soon for me. I love him so. Is it wrong to speak so plainly?"

"Not at all. I'm rather blunt myself. Well listen, the fire was tragic, but you all can stay with me. My house is big enough for all of us. I had plans to keep Charlie and Elan here while the two of you had kind of a honeymoon. I know how it is when you first marry, and all newlyweds need alone time." She chuckled. "After you marry, you could move out to the bunkhouse if you like for some privacy. The foreman's room is nice and plenty big enough. There's a small kitchen if you get up late or something."

"It is thoughtful of you. I find I cannot contain my feelings for him. I cannot keep my eyes from him. I have never known such a good man. I can hardly wait to be with him."

She didn't say 'again', but it was on her mind.

"I noticed." Cora turned to smile at her. "Well, that's how love is, honey. It's how it should be, especially at your age." She told her.

"Were you that way with your husband?"

"When we first married, yes. Sam was young and handsome and always doing nice things for me. There is something about when you first fall in love, the excitement, the lust, and the needs of the body. But after time that wears down and you come to realize that there's a deeper kind of love. Sometimes just holding their hand can be wonderful."

"I do not want to speak out of turn, but do you not have feelings for Charlie?"

Cora looked at her and a slow smile spread over her face. "I suppose I'm pretty transparent too. Yes, I do. Charlie's the only other man that I've ever taken to so much. He's honest, loyal and sometimes so darn sweet."

"I believe he loves you," Willa said with a shy smile.

"We haven't spoken of it, but there are some definite feelings between us."

"Why do you not marry him then when the preacher comes, and we will be one family then." Willa cried.

"Well," Cora chuckled, "For one thing, he hasn't asked me."

"Would you if he asked?" Willa stared at her now.

"Yeah," Cora let out a sigh. "I would. I've known Charlie for years. And I don’t want to live out my life alone. Neither does he."

"Then I will pray to the Creator that he asks you."

"Why would you do that for me?" Cora asked.

"Because love is wonderful, and I wish it for you."

Cora chuckled.

Willa needed to feed Elan again, so she sat at the table and proceeded to feed him. He didn't feed long before he went to sleep again, and Cora made him a makeshift bed in the dresser drawer.

"He's got a healthy appetite." Cora chuckled.
