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But Wade was worried about getting through enemy lines more than anything. He'd managed so far, but each time there was more danger.

He was stopped by a patrol of southern soldiers once.

"Sir, who are you and what are you doing in this area. This is a restricted area." The young Lieutenant said.

"My papers," Wade handed him papers signed by one of the southern Generals and waited for the young officer to let him through.

"What is your business?"

"I'm owner of the Lady Belle, I'm making repairs for my boat at Natchez and had to wait for a part. When it didn't come in, I had to go get it."

Luckily he had a part of a pump on him and showed it to the young officer.

The officer took it, turned it around in his hands and gave it back to him.

"From now on this area is restricted to only Confederate personnel. We cannot take responsibility for civilians we find traipsing about. You understand?"

"Of course, I'm sorry."

"Be on your way." The officer commanded.

Wade nodded.

He breathed easier once he was beyond range of the Confederates. He'd have to remember this area and not go near it again. He got away with it because he had the part on him, but next time he might not be as prepared to meet their questions.

He hurried aboard the ship and stood on the deck panting. That had been too close.

He told Josh about it and they put their heads together over a map, to find a better route.

"That one was a little too close for comfort." Wade told him.

After studying the map they came up with another route that might be safer, but they wouldn't know for sure unless they tried it.

"How'd you happen to have that piece of pump on you?" Josh chuckled.

"Pure luck, it's an old part that I replaced, but didn't have time to put up before I left. I never thought about carrying something like that about to explain my presence. It sure saved me this time."

"How goes things?" Jacob asked.

"Battle of Roan's Tan Yard, Major's Hubbard, Hunt, and Torrence along with the Brige's Western Sharpshooters overtook the 5th regiment 3rd Division of the Missouri State Guard. There was 40 killed, 80 wounded and 28 captured. They might have captured them all but there was heavy fog in the area, and a lot of brush. But it was a victory nonetheless." Wade said proudly.

"Any news of Texas?" Jacob asked.

"Not much, no. Not much going on except the Indians in Texas. They are taking advantage of the forts not being manned. I'm sure the biggest skirmishes of Texas will be down by Galveston and maybe Sabine Pass. Other than the Indian wars themselves. That's enough to contend with." Wade told him.

"A lot of homes are being wiped out there. We saw several on the way here." Jacob told him.

"That's what Beth said. I've heard the Indian Territories are dangerous right now too."

Wade took his gear off and sat down in the dining room to eat. Beth brought him out a Texas steak and potato supper and Wade was refreshed.

Most of the passengers were in bed and they had a little privacy in the dining room. Jacob and Beth drank coffee with him and Wade told them about what he'd learned.

He was so tired though.

Beth ran him a hot bath and massaged his back, as he was sore and tired from his trip.
