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One flex of his hips and my eyes are rolling back in my head. He might have given me one orgasm this afternoon, but it’s not nearly enough. I’m greedy for more. In a matter of seconds, my skin comes alive, arousal exploding in my core.

The way he turns me on…it’s like a light switch being flipped inside my body. One moment, I’m pissed off and the next, all I crave is his hands on me, making me forget everything that sits between us.

There’s nothing normal about the way he makes me feel.

Somewhere in the back of my head, I know I should put a stop to this, but it’s so hard to think straight when his thick erection is pressing insistently against my clit. Another thrust has those thoughts scattering. My jaw slackens and my head tilts, exposing the long column of my neck as my hair tumbles down the back of my wool blazer.

“Yes,” I groan.

“Then give me yours.”

At first, his words don’t register, and I’m unable to make sense of them. His hands are still locked around my hips as he grinds against my pussy. My brain grows fuzzy from the contact. If he keeps this up, there’s no way I won’t come. I can already feel it building like a storm within.

“I want your virginity,” he growls when I remain silent.

He gathers up the thick length of my hair before slowly winding it around his fist. Without causing pain, he holds the strands taut so I’m able to feel the tug against my scalp. A moan escapes from me as I roll my hips against him, desperate for more.

Why him?

Why does he affect me like this?

“Did you hear me?” he says in a voice strung tight. “I want to be the first man to have you.”

The first…

Not the last.

Not the only.


All he cares about is denying Jasper the opportunity to claim me. It’ll just be another thing to rub in my ex’s face.

I didn’t think it was possible for all the pleasure rushing through my veins to dissolve, but that’s exactly what happens. In its place is a hollow emptiness. His grip on my hair tightens as I lift my head to meet his gaze.

“What happens after I let you in my body? Will that somehow exonerate me? And you’ll finally believe I had nothing to do with the shit Jasper pulled?” There’s a pause before I drop the final question. “Or will you continue to think it’s all a game?”

Confusion flickers across his expression. “I don’t know.”

“Then there isn’t much point in talking about it, is there?”

He narrows his eyes and tilts his head. “And if I said that it would prove your innocence without a shadow of a doubt, you’d do it?”

I allow the question to bounce around in my brain for a handful of moments before jerking my head into a nod. “Yes.”

A growl rumbles up from deep within his chest.

His grip intensifies and there’s a flash of pain along my scalp before I allow my head to tip further back, easing the sensation and baring the slender column of my throat. My back arches and my breasts thrust forward. My breathing picks up its tempo as his fingers stroke along the exposed length before dipping into my cleavage and retracing their path upward, settling under my jawbone.

“Your pulse feels like the wings of a bird beating frantically against a cage.” He presses ever so gently, and the tempo quickens. It’s a steady thud against the pads of his fingers. Any second, my heart will explode from my chest.

No one else will ever be able to incite these kinds of feelings within me.

Only him.

“What we do together can’t have anything to do with Jasper,” I whisper.

His hips rise slowly until the thickness of his erection can stroke against my core and a shudder of pleasure explodes inside me.
