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We both take a drink as his gaze coasts over the sea of students. “Let’s go outside and sit by the firepit. It’s too damn crowded in here.”

The house is wall-to-wall people. Kingsley doesn’t throw parties often, so when he does, no one wants to miss it. Classmates chatter excitedly about the victory on the field now that the team is closer to making it to state.

Although, let’s face it, there’s probably a good number of kids in attendance who don’t give a crap about football. They want to get wasted and have a good time. I’ve never been one of those people. When Jasper would drag me to parties, I was always careful not to drink too much. I didn’t quite trust him not to take advantage of me.

It was yet another red flag I turned a blind eye to.

I slant a look at Austin. Maybe he lashed out because of hurt feelings, but even then, he wasn’t intent on inflicting damage. A chill slides through me, thinking about what Jasper would have done had the situation been reversed. There’s no doubt in my mind that he would have burnt the school to the ground along with everyone in it.

That’s exactly the kind of person he is.

Unwilling to dwell on those disturbing thoughts, I shove them away. We’re here to have fun. I want this to be a fresh start. One where we can let go of the past and move forward.

I glance at the crowd pressing in on us. My hope is that we don’t have to stay long. I’d much rather go somewhere quiet and continue getting to know one another.

As we push through the French doors onto the patio, the cool night breeze wafts over us. It makes me wish I’d worn a cozy sweatshirt instead of a thin sweater. Goose bumps ripple across my flesh as I lift my hands to rub my arms.

We dodge the pockets of people who are standing around and talking. A few notice Austin and attempt to wave him over. He doesn’t give them the time of day. I certainly can’t blame him for that. Most have been assholes. Unable to think for themselves, they’ve taken their lead from Jasper. It was even worse when Kingsley was against the twins.

“Looks like your fan club is trying to get your attention,” I joke.

It’s kind of amazing that they’ve done such a quick one eighty. It just goes to show you how fickle our classmates really are. They don’t care about Austin. They care about winning football games and making it to the championship. They care about having another banner to hang in the hallway.

It’s as if he can read my thoughts.

“They’re not my friends,” he says with a snort. “Come Monday, half of them will pretend I don’t exist.”

Sadly, there’s not much I can say to that since it’s the truth and we both know it. We’re outcasts, but for different reasons. The funny thing is that Austin should fit in. He’s stupid handsome, a gifted athlete, and his descendants founded both the town and school. He should be treated like royalty. But he didn’t grow up here, and there’s too much bad blood between his ancestors and this community.

I’m not sure if there’s anything he can do to change it.

Once outside, Austin drops onto the plush couch and pulls me onto his lap. It feels like second nature to thread my arms around his neck. Two weeks ago, I couldn’t have imagined doing something so intimate. I couldn’t even picture being alone with him in the same room.

And now everything has changed.

It was rough in the beginning, but it’s all worked out and I couldn’t be happier. I have the boy I’ve secretly longed for since we first met. The very same one who only has to glance in my direction and my pulse kicks into overdrive, thumping a painful beat against my flesh.

His hands settle around my hips to lock me in place. I can feel the heat of them singeing me through my jeans. It’s enough to make me wish that we’d skipped the party all together. But how could we do that when he’s the reason the Hawks won in the first place? If there’s going to be any movement with our classmates, it’ll be made now. Plus, it’s Kingsley’s party and Summer is here.Even though Austin has set aside his issues with him, he’s still protective of his sister.

For the time being, I’ll happily snuggle against his broad chest as the bright orange flames twist in the firepit. The heat is just enough to warm my chilled skin as silvery moonlight pours over us. The music from inside is more muffled, but faint wisps along with the steady bass can still be heard as the fire’s reflection dances in his eyes.

It’s impossible to believe this boy now belongs to me.

Just like I belong to him.

It’s almost too good to be true.

“Are you cold?” The concern that weaves its way through his voice strums something deep inside. It wouldn’t take much to fall even harder for him.

Instead of admitting that I’m freezing, I shrug. “A little.”

“Want to head back in the house?”

I shake my head. “No, I’d much rather stay on the patio where it’s less crowded.”

One hand slides into the thickness of my hair before he pulls me close enough for his lips to settle over mine. As they do, I open and the velvety softness of his tongue slips inside my mouth to tangle with my own. That’s all it takes for the noise and people to fade to the background. I can’t help but open more fully until he’s able to devour me.

That’s precisely what it feels like.
