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“No! I don’t want to do this.”

Any minute, my heart will explode. Then again, maybe that would be for the best. I can’t imagine living through something like this. The idea of him forcing himself inside my body—especially in anger—makes me want to vomit. Every time I look into my eyes and glimpse the hollowness, I’ll be reminded of what he stole from me.

“Sure, you do. You’re such a fucking tease.”

He’s delusional.

When I continue to fight, he reaches for my wrists.

I grunt, trying to buck him off, but nothing happens. He doesn’t budge an inch. Jasper probably has a solid seventy pounds on me. He’s not going anywhere. Tears of rage and disbelief prick my eyes.

Just as his fingers lock around one wrist, I slip my leg between his and bring my knee up, slamming it into his crotch with as much force as I can muster.

“Fuck!” he moans, rolling to the side. As soon as he hits the mattress, he curls up into a tight ball and groans.

The second his weight disappears, I suck a breath of fresh air into my lungs before scrambling off the bed. On shaky legs, I race to the door and yank the handle. Adrenaline rushes through my veins, making it feel as if I have the strength of a thousand men.

“Get your ass back here, you dumb bitch,” he hisses.

Yeah…like that’s going to happen.

“Fuck you,” I spit, escaping over the threshold.

Once I step onto the marble tile of the hallway and I’m no longer trapped in the master suite, a tidal wave of relief crashes over me, nearly weakening my knees. It’s tempting to slide to the floor and find my bearings, but I force my legs into movement. The need to put as much space between us as possible thrums through me like a steady drumbeat. It’s all I’m cognizant of. My brain somersaults, unable to process what just happened, as I race through the echoing corridor, blindly passing by groups of drunk classmates.

I can’t believe he tried to force himself on me.

The thought rings hollowly throughout my head until focusing on anything else becomes impossible. The acidic taste of bile rises in my throat, making me sick to my stomach. Would he have actually gone through with it?

Every instinct is screaming that he would have. He was drunk and angry. It’s a lethal combination. He’s been pushing me for weeks to finally sleep with him. Tonight turned out to be the perfect storm, and everything exploded.

Someone calls my name, but I don’t bother glancing around. I can’t. I just need to get the hell out of here. I’m terrified thatJasper will find me. By the time I reach the kitchen, the music is so loud that it vibrates in my skull and bones. With my head angled down, I weave through the press of people. Normally, this room feels large and spacious. That’s no longer the case. Any moment, the walls will press in on me and I won’t be able to breathe. A wave of dizziness overtakes me, attempting to drag me under. It’s only when I reach the double story entryway that my heartbeat begins to slow.

When my name is called for a second time, I ignore it again, surging forward. My trembling fingers wrap around the brushed nickel handle before yanking open the door and stumbling onto the front porch, past the concrete balusters and potted mums. Cool night air rushes over my heated cheeks. I’m so relieved to be out of there that a fresh wave of tears stings my eyes.

I sprint down the driveway until I reach the paved road. The more distance I put between myself and the house ablaze with lights, the more secure I feel in my escape. Adrenaline leaks from my body with each step I take. It’s only when I’m walking along the stretch of dark road that I realize I’ll need to call Mom to pick me up. With a huff of breath, I slide my cell from the back pocket of my jeans as I walk past a long line of cars parked in the gravel.

Thank god I didn’t leave my phone in my jacket.

Otherwise, it would still be inside the house, and I’d be shit out of luck.

I hit Mom’s name at the top of the screen and wait impatiently for the line to connect. Now that I’m away from the stately mansion, the music fades and the sound of crickets surrounds me. A gust of wind rattles the tops of the trees and cuts through the thin fabric of my sweater. My footsteps echo off the pavement as darkness swallows up the light. When a twig snaps from somewhere behind me, fear slices through my body and I spin around, hoping Jasper isn’t on the hunt.

I have no idea what he’ll do if he finds me.

That’s a lie.

I knowexactlywhat will happen. I was lucky to avert disaster once this evening. It’s doubtful my good fortune will hold out for a second time.

The phone continues to ring before Mom’s voicemail bursts over the line. Frustration rises inside me as I hit end and immediately redial. That’s our SOS code, signaling something important. Instead of picking up, I get a chirpy invitation to leave a message.

Damn it.

Where is she?

For a few seconds, I consider leaving a message before disconnecting and firing off a text, asking her to call me ASAP. Unsure what else to do,I shove the phone in my pocket and continue walking.

Who else can I call for a ride?

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