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My teeth rake across my lower lip before sucking the plump flesh into my mouth and chewing.

“You deserve so much better. I hope you realize that.”

My gaze flickers to his, only to find him steadily watching me. Butterflies wing their way to life in the pit of my belly and the air gets sucked from my lungs. Everything I’ve secretly longed for with this boy is reflected within his eyes. It takes every ounce of self-control not to reach out and stroke his handsome face. Instead, I tighten my fingers and press them into my lap.

There’s nothing I can do about the attraction I feel for him.

We turn out of the high-end subdivision and onto the dark county road that leads to the small town of Hawthorne.

Population eight thousand.

He jerks his head toward the ribbon of black pavement stretched out in front of us. “I assume you live this way?”

“Yes.” I rattle off the address, giving him a few cursory directions before shifting on my seat.

I hate bringing people home with me. It’s not that I’m embarrassed or ashamed, but next to most of the kids at HP, I live in a sad little hovel. Sloane’s words from the one time she dropped me home from school last year echo unwantedly throughout my head.

Oh my god, you actually live in that?

Shock and disgust had weaved their way through her voice. The scrunched expression marring her pretty face had only driven home her genuine thoughts. I’d slunk from her fancy sports car with my tail between my legs and heat scorching my cheeks. She never offered me another ride and I refused to ask.

The memory is enough to have my belly tightening painfully as nerves explode inside me. Austin lives in the same wealthy subdivision as Jasper. His house is even bigger and more impressive than the Morgans’.

When my phone chimes, I slip it from my back pocket and glance at the screen, wondering if Mom is finally getting back to me.

Where the fuck are you?

Nope. Not Mom.

Another text quickly rolls in.

Are you going to answer me?

Absolutely not.

“What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” I mute the sound as a third text flashes across the screen. Needing to change the topic of conversation, I blurt, “Congratulations on the game. That win had everything to do with you.”

For the first time this evening, a smile curves his lips. Even when he was out on the field, turning the game around, there wasn’t a hint of joy written across his features. The look of concentration etched there was palpable.

At the party afterward, I couldn’t help but sneak furtive glances from beneath the fringe of my lashes. When classmates who had always gone out of their way to snub him were suddenly singing his praises, his stoic expression never faltered. I watched him nod in thanks before turning away and coolly dismissing them. Unlike Jasper, he didn’t stand there, soaking up all the adoration.

As the slow smile moves across his face, tipping the corners of his lips upward, my breath catches almost painfully at the back of my throat, and I find myself unable to look away. If I’d thought he was handsome before, it’s nothing compared to how arresting he is with pleasure lighting up his eyes.

“Thanks.” There’s a pause. “It felt good to be out there again.”

“Hopefully now that you’ve shown what you’re capable of, you’ll get more play time.”

What can’t be denied is that Austin is talented and a natural leader on the field. Even guys loyal to Jasper followed the other boy’s lead and played better under his direction.

“That would be nice.” His deep voice turns wistful. “I miss playing like I did in Chicago. I’ve been a starter on varsity since freshman year. Moving here and sitting my ass on the bench every game is tough to swallow. Especially when…”

His jaw locks as his voice trails off.

It’s so tempting to reach out and smooth my fingers over the grooves that line his forehead. I want to bring the lightness back into his expression.

Instead, I finish his sentence. “Especially when the guy you’re second to isn’t nearly as talented.”
