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“Save it,” she growls. “You’re a real bitch, you know that? I don’t understand how I could have been so wrong about you.”

Her words hit me like a physical blow. I have no idea how I remain upright when all I want to do is double over and sink to my knees.

When tears spring to my eyes, she advances. “Don’t you dare cry after the shit you just pulled! If he gets expelled, it’ll be your fault!”

I shake my head.


When she takes a menacing step forward, her boyfriend grabs her, tucking an arm around her shoulders before steering her away. If there’s one thing I’ve learned about Summer Hawthorne, it’s that she’ll go to battle to protect her brother. Their connection is unbreakable.

Kingsley’s dark eyes lock on mine, and what I see within them makes my bones quake. If I thought my life was hell at Hawthorne Prep before tonight, it’s nothing compared to what I have to look forward to Monday morning.

Before I can blurt out the truth, they disappear inside the mansion. I swing away, turning my back to the house as I stare blindly into the darkness. Shock spirals through me as everything that just happened replays in my head like a slow-motion picture show until I want to sob.

My freshly painted fingernails dig into the cement baluster. It’s only when I hear the crickets chirp in the yard that unease prickles the back of my neck and I realize that I’m not alone. I swing around and find Jasper loitering a few feet away. Splotches of blood decorate the snowy whiteness of his shirt.

Our gazes lock and hold.

I shake my head and croak, “Why would you do that?”

A smug smile lifts his lips as a spiteful glint fills his eyes. It’s a look I’ve become intimately acquainted with. A fresh wave of nausea crashes over me.

“Did you think I was just going to let you walk away?”

The question explodes in my brain but for some reason, it doesn’t compute.


His upper lip curls with disdain. “You heard me.” There’s a pause as he carefully dabs at his nose. “You should have felt honored to be my girlfriend. Instead, you’re like a bitch in heat, panting to spread your legs for Hawthorne trash.” He shrugs. “Now you can have him.”

All at once, it hits me.

Oh my god.

My mind tumbles back to Monday morning and his abrupt change in behavior. It was so out of character that I should have realized it was nothing more than an act. Instead, I’d stupidly believed he felt bad. I could kick myself for being so gullible and falling neatly into his trap.

He shifts, leaning closer. “Except it’s doubtful he’ll want you now.” Venom floods his voice, turning it gleeful.

It would be a lie to say that I never suspected Jasper could be so cruel. It’s the reason I allowed this relationship to linger instead of breaking it off.

Deep down, I realizedexactlywhat he was capable of.

But this…this is on a whole different level.

When I remain silent, he continues, “Just remember that you brought this on yourself. Now, there’s no one to protect you. We both know how dangerous it can be to walk the halls of Hawthorne Prep without allies. Contrary to what I said earlier, we’re not one big happy family. It’s more like a shark-infested tank, and you’re fresh blood, sweetheart.”

My chest constricts, making it difficult to suck in a shuddering breath. What he’s saying is true. I’ve witnessed the depravity with my own eyes over the past three years.

Unwilling to let him see how much his threats have affected me, I straighten my spine and force my chin upward. He’s like a rabid animal, and the smell of my fear will only incite him.

“See you on Monday.” With a grin, he saunters away as if he doesn’t have a care in the world. The soles of his wingtips strike the concrete before fading as he disappears inside.

Once the door closes, I hold my breath captive in my lungs until my vision swims. Just as my head grows light, a burst of air explodes from my lips. There’s no doubt in my mind that Jasper will turn my life into the stuff nightmares are made of. The months stretched out ahead of me now feel like a prison sentence. The thought is enough to have tears pricking the backs of my eyes.

I have no idea how long I stand outside staring into the velvety darkness. When the French doors open and there’s a soft click of heels, I steel myself, unsure who else I’ll have to deal with. I no longer have the energy for it. Mental and physical exhaustion has set in, draining me.

