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I nod, grateful that she’ll at least speak with him.

She rises to her feet before smoothing down her rumpled blouse and skirt. “I don’t want you to get your hopes up. He’s extremely busy.”

With that, she pads to his office before tentatively wrapping her knuckles against the thick wood and stepping inside the room. The door remains cracked open and from inside I hear the low babble of voices. I tilt my head, hoping to eavesdrop on their conversation. When that doesn’t work, I inch closer until I’m able to catch the low rumble of his words.

“That’s not necessary. I spoke with more than enough witnesses at the fundraiser. Please tell Ms. Robinson that I don’t need another account of the situation. I think we can all agreethat Austin Hawthorne is a loose cannon. I was against the board giving him a second chance after the last incident.”

He’s going to expel him.

That knowledge is all it takes for me to burst into movement. Before I realize it, I’ve crossed the carpeted space. As I reach the door, I shove it open and step inside the office. His words fall away as they both swing their heads toward me.

Before he can say anything, I blurt, “Please, Mr. Pembroke? All I’m asking is that you hear me out. You didn’t give me a chance to explain what happened before the fight.”

His scowl becomes even more ferocious. “I believe Mrs. Baxter asked you to wait outside.”

“I apologize for interrupting, but you need to know all of the information.”

His lips thin. Even though I try to hold myself perfectly still, it’s hard not to squirm beneath his icy glare. It’s obvious that he’s already made up his mind and isn’t interested in hearing the other side of the story. But still…how can I walk away without trying to sway his decision?

“I know how valuable your time is,” I say, gulping down my nerves. “And I wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t important.”

Silence stretches to the point of uncomfortableness before he finally huffs out a breath. “Fine. You have exactly two minutes.”

Relief escapes from me in a rush and nearly weakens my knees. Without another word, Mrs. Baxter slips from the office, closing the door softly behind her until the lock clicks.

I take a quick second to collect my thoughts. It’s important I get this right. If not, Austin will be expelled. No matter what his feelings are toward me, I don’t want to see that happen.

The older man lifts a brow as he bristles with impatience. “I’m waiting. What was so important that you had to burst into my office without an appointment before the start of the school day?”

“I realize the situation looks bad, but there’s a reason Austin hit Jasper.”

He crosses his arms over his barrel like-chest. “Are you trying to tell me that there’s an acceptable justification for resorting to violence?”

I blink and attempt to backtrack. “Of course not. I—”

“I’m relieved to hear that. If there’s one thing that will not be tolerated at this school, it’s fighting in any shape or form. High standards are set at Hawthorne Prep for a reason and are strictly adhered to. Physical aggression is never a satisfactory alternative to discussion and the need to find common ground. This is not the first time Mr. Hawthorne has been sanctioned by the board for fisticuffs. One would have thought that after his last disciplinary action, he would have learned his lesson. Unfortunately, that has not turned out to be the case. It’s a pity really.” He glances impatiently at his chunky silver wristwatch. “If you’ll excuse me, there are still a few loose ends I need to tie up in preparation for this meeting.”

“You saw what happened! Jasper embarrassed Austin in front of the entire school.”

His brow furrows as he cocks his head. “I have no idea what you’re talking about, young lady. I remember no such thing.”

“The speech.”

“I found nothing wrong with it. In fact, it would seem as if Jasper was extending a peace offering, attempting to be both inclusive and welcoming.” His expression turns wintery. “And what did the poor boy get in return?” Before I can open my mouth, he snaps, “A punch in the face. It’s as if the Hawthornes were raised without manners.”

“Jasper had no right to disclose such personal information. Can you not understand why Austin would feel humiliated?”

His face scrunches. “Exactly what is there to be embarrassed about? There are a number of students here who struggle withacademic challenges. What I can tell you is that a positive outcome cannot be achieved through violence. I’m sorry, nothing you say will change my mind on the topic. A decision has already been reached. I think it’s in the best interest of the student body for Mr. Hawthorne to find an alternative school that will better suit his needs. What’s become glaringly apparent in the past month or so is that he does not belong here. I’ve taken it upon myself to speak directly with the principal of Hawthorne Public so his transition will be as smooth as possible.”

“But Mr.—”

He adjusts the lapels of his suit before striding past me. It only takes a handful of steps for him to reach the door. “Please don’t waste any further breath. This conversation is over. You should have saved us both time and energy by not coming here and trying to intervene on Mr. Hawthorne’s behalf. While your passion is commended, it’s gravely misplaced.”

Just as his sausage-like fingers wrap around the handle, I blurt, “I know you’re sleeping with my mother. I doubt that’s something you’d want your wife or the school board to discover.”

As soon as the words escape from my lips, I want to snatch them from the air and shove them back inside my mouth where they belong.

By the widening of his eyes and the stillness of his body, he’s in just as much shock as I am. That’s all it takes for the atmosphere to turns suffocating.
