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I’m not sure how much longer I can hold this mask of indifference in place before totally falling to pieces. Myshoulders slump as I beeline for a table and set my lunch down. Then I drop onto a chair before staring at the brown paper bag as I fight back the hot prick of tears that stings my eyes. How am I going to make it through the rest of the school year like this?

After dinner last night, I broached the subject with Mom about transferring schools just to feel her out. It hadn’t gone well. She shot me a scowl before saying that she’d made too many sacrifices to see me graduate from public school. She abruptly ended the conversation by turning away and finishing the dishes.

So…I’m stuck.

My belly growls, breaking the silence that has settled around me. Even though I should force myself to eat, the thought of food makes me nauseous.

Instead of unbagging my lunch, I shove it aside and glance around the room at the photographs that decorate the space. A number of them are mine. Every spring, the school holds an art exhibit for the students to display their creative endeavors. My freshman and sophomore years, my pictures took second place. Last spring, I won a first-place ribbon. Even though it’s only October, I’m already thinking about what photos I can enter.

I’m knocked from my thoughts when a deep voice says, “Whatcha doing in here all by your lonesome?”

My head snaps to the door and a prickle of fear skates across my skin when I find Jasper blocking the only exit. His hands are shoved into his khaki pants and the predatory gleam that fills his eyes has a burst of nerves exploding in my belly.

“Eating lunch.”

He saunters closer before settling on the edge of the table and clucking his tongue. “Poor Delilah, all by herself.”

It becomes necessary to crane my neck to hold his gaze. If I’ve learned anything about this boy, it’s that it can be dangerous to take your eyes off him for even a second.

“What do you want?” It takes effort to keep my voice steady and not allow the fine tremble to work its way through it. The worst thing I can do is allow him to glimpse my fear. It would only feed the hungry beast that lives inside him.

He shrugs. It’s a careless gesture that belies the excitement radiating off him in suffocating waves. The delight etched across his expression is barely contained. He’s like a child on Christmas morning. Only now do I understand how much he enjoys the hunt. The thrill of the chase. That’s all I ever was to him. Our entire relationship was about wearing me down, trying to take something I was unwilling to give.

“Just wanted to know if you missed me yet.”

Is he seriously crazy?

Instead of bursting into laughter, I press my lips together and shake my head.

“You know…I could make it all stop.”

My eyes widen.

Duke was right. He really is a prick.

When I remain silent, one side of his mouth hitches. “It must be hell to walk through the corridors and hear everyone whispering behind your back, talking about what a slut you are. All I’m saying is that if you got on your knees and begged prettily, Imightconsider taking you back.”

The thought of being anywhere near Jasper makes me violently ill.

I still as he reaches out and sweeps his index finger along my lower lip before pressing the thick digit into my mouth and down my throat until tears spring to my eyes and I’m gagging.

“Of course, there’ll be a price to pay.”

I knock his hand away before shoving back from the table and coughing.

A chuckle falls from his lips. “Only this time, we’ll do thingsmyway. I’m tired of waiting. I want inside that virgin cunt.” He smirks as his gaze drifts lazily over me. “Other places as well.”

I shoot out of the chair and stumble back a few paces, attempting to put more distance between us. “Get the hell away from me. There’snothingyou can do to make me consider dating you again.”

His eyes narrow as he rises to his feet. “Is that so?”

I straighten my shoulders and stiffen my spine. There’s no doubt in my mind that I’ll regret this little show of defiance in the not-too-distant future. I can see it in his eyes.


When he stalks closer, I retreat until my back hits the wall and I realize there’s nowhere else for me to go. I’m trapped and at his mercy. It’s the last place I want to find myself. The direness of my predicament is slammed home when he stalks close enough to cage me in before pressing his firm body against mine until I can feel the rise and fall of his chest.

“Whether you give it to me of your own free will or I have to wrestle it away, I don’t give a shit,” he says in a deceptively soft voice that belies the steel in his eyes. “I plan to take what belongs to me.” His lips sweep over mine. “Understand?”

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