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“I will never give you anything.” Where I find the bravado when I’m shaking in my shoes, I have no idea, but I’m glad it’s there.

A wolfish smile spreads across his face as his gray eyes take on a predatory gleam. “Good. I appreciate things more when I have to fight for them. And nothing will give me more satisfaction than when you bleed for the first time.” He grins. “And then the second and third.”

His words turn my stomach, because I know they’re true. He’s no longer hiding the ugliness of his personality. It’s all out in the open.

A voice clears their throat and my gaze flies to the art teacher. I don’t think I’ve ever been so relieved to see someone in my life.

“Mr. Morgan and Ms. Robinson, as seniors, I’d think the two of you would know better. Empty classrooms are no place for cavorting. If you’re not here to work on a project, perhaps you should return to the cafeteria.”

Jasper’s gaze never deviates from mine. “Sure thing. Delilah had something in her eye, and I was helping to get it out.”

“She seems perfectly fine to me,” the younger woman says dryly.

My ex takes a few steps in retreat, giving me room to breathe.

“Think about what I said,” he whispers in a voice meant only for my ears.

Before I can tell him to go to hell, he flashes an easy smile at the teacher and strolls away. As he disappears through the door, the sound of his whistling can be heard from the hallway. The relief that floods through me is enough to weaken my knees as I sag against the wall.

Mrs. Chambers’ eyes soften as she holds my gaze for a long moment. “Is everything all right?”

No, it isn’t and I’m beginning to doubt it’ll ever be again.

It’s so tempting to vomit out the truth, if only to get it off my chest, but what good will it do?

No one can help me.

I’m on my own.


Much like yesterday, fifth hour turns out to be the worst. And considering the nasty comments and looks I received throughout the morning, that’s saying something. Tears of frustration simmer beneath the surface. It takes effort to suck them in and keep them buried deep inside.

I’ll be damned if I give Jasper the satisfaction.

My mind keeps tumbling back, combing over our relationship with fresh eyes. How didn’t I see him for the monster he is? How did I ever believe he had a single kind bone in his body?

My gullibility is almost laughable.

And clearly, Jasper is howling with laughter. He’s like a cat toying with a mouse. He watches me, biding his time, while his minions do his dirty work, incessantly pecking at me until I want to curl up in a ball and cry. I have no doubt that he’s waiting for me to crawl back to him and beg for his forgiveness. His words from earlier ring unwantedly in my head.

I appreciate things more when I have to fight for them. And nothing is going to give me more joy than making you bleed for the first time. And then the second and third.

Bile rises up my throat.

Yesterday, I dragged my heels, not wanting to leave school after fifth hour. Today, it’s the opposite. I can’t get out of here quick enough. Even if it means spending time alone with Austin. As much as he frightens me, it’s not in the same way Jasper does. There’s an evilness to him I was blinded to.

That’s no longer the case.

My eyes are now wide open.

Of the two boys, I’ll take Austin any day of the week.

My muscles loosen as I drive through the imposing gates of Hawthorne Prep and turn onto the county road that will lead to his subdivision. As I roll down the window, a crisp autumn breeze assaults my senses. I love everything about this season, from the cozy sweaters, caramel apples and Halloween decorations strewn around town, to the scent of smoke from burning leaves and chimneys that permeates the chilled air.

I glance at the cloudless cornflower colored sky. It’s a perfect fall afternoon and yet, there’s not an ounce of pleasure to be found in it. My life has imploded, and I have no idea how to fix it. Jasper has turned the school against me and won’t be happy until I’m back under his control. Mom is still pissed at me for bursting the fragile bubble she’d cocooned herself in. Even though I’ve apologized, she’s giving me the cold shoulder. Mr. Pembroke scowled at me outside the main office when I passed by him this morning. And Austin wants me to pretend that I’m his in order to get back at Jasper.

What I don’t know is if he’ll demand more.
