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Arousal curls like a whisp of smoke in the pit of my belly.

“Can you offer something even more tempting than parading you around in front of your ex? If so, I’m all ears.”

Nerves detonate in my core as my mouth turns cottony. “What is it that you want?”

The smile that lifts his lips moves at a glacial pace. “Oh, I think you can guess.”

The ravenous look in his eyes is all the answer I need. Even if it weren’t written across his expression so clearly, I’d still know. He’s been nothing but upfront about what he wants and why.

It’s what pricks at me the most.

It’s also a stark reminder that this is nothing more than revenge.

A way to make me pay.

It doesn’t mean anything.

More importantly,Idon’t mean anything.

When he steps closer, I lift my chin to hold his penetrating gaze.

“Just know that I’m hungry and need to eat. It can be you or lunch. The choice is yours.”

My breath catches at his blunt words and my mind tumbles back to yesterday and what it felt like to have him between my thighs. That’s all it takes for liquid heat to flood my panties.

He strokes a finger over my lip again. “What’s your decision?”

It takes effort to shake off the thick fog as it slyly wraps around me. This is exactly what Austin’s dominating presence does. It wouldn’t take much to forget my own name.

One look, one touch and I’m putty in his large hands.

“Ms. Pettijohn’s room? It’ll be empty at this time of the day. She always eats in the teacher’s lounge.”

He lifts a brow. “You sure about that? I don’t want to be interrupted when I’m dining on you.”

My belly plummets as that mental image flashes unwantedly through my brain.

“Yes,” I squeak.

His eyes glint as a smile simmers across his lips. “Then by all means, lead the way.”

It only takes a few minutes to weave through the hallway and find her classroom. My fingers tighten around the knob before turning it. When the door opens easily, I peek my head inside and find the room empty.

I jolt when his hands slide around me and he growls near my ear, “Better hurry up, sweet girl. I’m famished.” He cups my breasts through the fabric, palming the softness.

Even though it’s tempting to close my eyes and enjoy his touch, I slip from his embrace before backing into the sun-filled space. He follows me in, closing the door quietly behind him.

My eyes widen when he clicks the lock. “What if she returns before the end of lunch?”

“If we leave it open, my guess is that she’ll catch quite the eyeful.” He jerks a thumb toward the narrow window that allows people in the hallway to glimpse inside the room. “We’ll need to sit in the corner where she—or anyone else walking by—can’t see us. How embarrassing would it be to get caught having your pussy eaten?”

I gulp.

Embarrassing doesn’t begin to describe what it would be.

When he stalks closer, I retreat, trying to keep the same amount of distance between us.

He smirks. “Do you want me to chase you, Delilah? Because I’d be more than happy to oblige. I like the hunt. There’s something immensely satisfying about capturing your prey.”
