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Oh god.

My muscles tighten and a fine tremble racks my body. I force myself to stand still as he saunters closer. Whether it’s from fear or excitement, I have no idea.

All right, that’s a lie.

I knowexactlywhat the cause is.

Excitement thrums wildly through my blood, turning my insides into a giddy mess.

When no more than a foot separates us, he reaches out and strokes a finger along the curve of my jaw. The touch is light and airy. Everything Austin is not. He caresses my lower lip before pressing the blunt tip inside my mouth.

It’s not much.

Just an inch or so.

Enough to taste the slight saltiness of his skin.

When my tongue strokes over it, his eyes darken, turning into liquid pools of green.

“I can’t stop thinking about the way you sucked my cock yesterday.”

When he presses further inside my mouth, I draw him in deeper. It’s not something I consciously think about, more a reflex.

“Fuck,” he growls. “Was that your first time?”

I give my head a slight nod.

“I can’t believe you never did anything with Jasper.”

When he finally pulls his finger free, a strange sense of loss fills me.

“I wanted to wait, and in the beginning, he was fine with that. He made a big deal about my virginity and how he would be the first one to have me. It’s like he both loved and hated the idea that I’d never had sex before.”

His hands wrap around my hips before lifting me onto the closest desk and sliding on the chair. He turns my body until I’m able to stare down at him. His gaze stays locked on mine as he forces my legs apart. Only then does he stroke his fingertips along my calves. The drift of his hands lulls me into a contented place, and I stop worrying about how easily it would be to get caught.

“How long were you together?”

The way he caresses my skin drives me to distraction and I’m barely able to concentrate on the words coming out of his mouth.

What did he ask?

Oh, right.

“Ummm…six months.”

“Why’d you date him in the first place?” Each pass brings him closer to the apex of my thighs. Barely has he touched me and I’m already a puddle of need.

“I…” My voice trails off as arousal ignites in my core. “I thought he was different.”

His movements still. “Let me get this straight. He didn’t strike you as an asshole right off the bat? Shocker.”

My lips quirk at the corners. “I didn’t really know him back then. I’d only seen him around. He was a popular football player, and I thought he was nice looking. I’d crushed hard on him freshman and sophomore year. So, when he finally noticed me, it seemed like a dream come true. My mom was ecstatic about it.” I bite my lip before admitting, “It hasn’t been easy for her since Dad died. I’ve always tried to do what was expected. I knew how badly she wanted me to fit in with the students at HP, and dating Jasper solidified that.”

He listens intently before leaning forward and pressing his lips to my calf.

“And that’s what you wanted?” he asks softly. “To fit in with all these self-absorbed pricks?”

Eyes never faltering from mine, his lips wander farther up my leg before he nips at the delicate flesh behind my knee. Air gets wedged at the back of my throat, making it impossible to breathe. I don’t think I could look away even if I tried. There’s something about the intensity of his stare that draws me in and holds me captive.
