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I just chuckle, nodding, "Yes, no one else is here." I dramatically make a show of looking around for someone. "I guess we could call some people to help us." I shrug nonchalantly.

"No!" Iceman shouts and I crack up at his outburst. He pulls into the parking lot finding a spot by the picnic tables.

I take another drink of my coffee real quick and throw on the sweatshirt Ruby gave me. He grabs gloves out of the backseat and hands me a pair before putting some on too. I copy him and smile brightly when I'm done.

We jump out at the same time like it's a race. Thankfully, he's fast because I nearly fall on my ass in three steps. The ground is slick here and I wasn't prepared for that. We laugh joyfully with our faces close together. His big arms around me feel amazing. I shiver once from the cold but I would never move away from him. To prove that, I squeeze him once enjoying his embrace.

The moment of surprise on his face is priceless. It's replaced by a wicked grin a second later. "Joyride, are you sure about the snowman? We can get back in the truck and do some necking." He wiggles his eyebrows at me just teasing, I think, but his eyes are piercing and flirty though.

"Necking? That's an old fashion term." I go with the comfortable way this man makes me feel and kiss him once.

He kisses me back before pulling away. "Okay, snowman first then we'll talk about the makeout session later."

We both laugh at that comment and he helps me stand properly. He takes my hand as we head over to the tables. This was a great idea, until I remembered I don't know how to make a snowman.

"What do we do?" I don't know the first step to get it started. All the snow around us is intimidating and I glance at him lost.

He watches me for a minute, his eyes never leaving my face. I shift feeling uncomfortable and frowning because he isn’t talking. The disappointment that settles over his face baffles me even more. He sighs and bends over to grab some snow.

Did I do something wrong?

"You have to make a giant snowball like this." He shows me the one he makes easily in his hands.

"You’re fast." I smile nodding and move closer to inspect the ball.

He holds it out for me, grinning and flashing dimples. "This is the fun part. You take the ball and roll it in the snow along the ground like this." He starts pushing the ball around collecting snow as he goes.

It's getting pretty big and I clap with elation at his great work.

Iceman stops the ball next to me laughing when he sees my face. "Are we going for a big dude or small?"

I think about that for like one second. "Gigantic so everyone will see it!" I excitedly use my hands to show him how big I want it.

He nods approvingly at my answer and drops to the ground. "Now we add some more snow to the base and pack it around. We can mold it into a better circle later."

We both begin moving more snow next to the ball. Once we have enough I push the snow up around the top. He pats the new snow and the base grows quickly before my eyes. After it's done the ball is massive just like I wanted. I'm so proud of our team work that I beam at him thrilled to see the final product.

The grin he's wearing says he's having a good time too. "You want to do the next one?" His ice blue eyes twinkle with the question.

Is he testing me? Oh, I paid attention.

"Yes!" I practically yell the word at him.

He chuckles and so do I because I'm actually giddy to try. I start gathering snow making sure to pat it tight like he did. My ball doesn't need to be as big but I want to do a good job. I walk to the fresh snow and drop my ball then begin rolling it along the ground. An idea pops into my head and I try it. The happiness I feel is clear when Iceman starts laughing at me for dancing around. My snowball is extremely round and literally perfect.

"What made you do that?" I hear the skeptical tone in his voice and he doesn't meet my eyes just brushes his pants off.

"I don't know but it worked so go me!" I cheer before rolling my ball back to the other one.

He inspects it, staring and walks around the snowball like it's a used car on a sales lot. I think he's impressed since he nods and grins at me. "Nice work, Joy. Now let's set it up." We each grab a side to lift it onto the base.

"You make the head because it's smaller. I'll work on shaping these balls to get them rounder. I'm pretty good with my hands." My mouth pops open, shocked at the joke I just made. We share a quick laugh like a couple teenagers and it helps with my embarrassment.

"Great idea and don't threaten me with a good time," he says, walking away whistling.

I want our snowman to be the talk of the town. My knees hit the ground so I can focus on the bottom ball and round it out to perfection. This is easy and I'm doing an awesome job, surprisingly. I carefully stand up to work on the middle ball.

"What the front door?" Luckily, I stopped myself from falling into the cool half made snowman we just built.
