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"You don't like miniature golf?" I ask him because that actually sounds like a great time to me. I used to love to go as a kid.Didn't I?"Wait, you coach hockey? I love hockey and it's by far my favorite sport." I've always been drawn to the game and Fruitcake would never go to a game with me. He used to hate hockey season with a passion. Good thing his opinion doesn't matter anymore.

Iceman glances over, looking at me closely for a second then he nods. "Yep, I used to play when I was younger until I busted my knee up." I think he's waiting for a reaction from me and when I don't give one he just taps his knee showing me. "This is the first street we're doing today." He points at the blanket of white to my right.

I lean forward to get a good view. That street is super steep. He moves up the hill slowly pushing buttons and I watch amazed at the whole process. The snow moves into piles on the side of the road. This big machine cuts through the thick snow easily and just like that you can see the road.

"That's how you plow a street, it's not rocket science or anything." He shrugs and seems almost embarrassed about his job.

"This is a cool job and it’s very important to the community. Plus, you get to say you’re actually helping people, not many people can say that."

“I guess you’re right.” He gives me a heart stopping smile.

His embarrassment is absolutely silly. The lack of confidence is kinda cute though. He should know a job's a job, but an occupation you enjoy is a rare find. Something tells me he really likes this job too.

We do the next few streets working together nicely and following his labeled sheet. I bug him by asking him a million questions about all the buttons, but he doesn't seem to mind. He even lets me do some plowing once I get the hang of it. Of course, he plays Christmas music like all the North Pole residents. Ruby told me it's a must around here. I'm still shocked at how deep and sexy his singing voice is. My disdain for Christmas songs may just disappear after this year.

After several more streets he turns to me with a panicked expression on his face. "Hey, I'm sorry this is really boring." Iceman glances at the clock like he's wishing time away. He checks the clipboard sporting a frown.

Why does he think he has to entertain me?

"This isn't boring at all. What made you get into the snow plow business?" I ask, spotting the large snowman in the yard ahead of us. That sight makes me smile wide.

He briefly spares me a look before doing his job. "This was my dad's company." His voice changes when he speaks again and he's more aggressive with the controls this time. "I never thought I would have to take over either. Unfortunately, God can be cruel sometimes." There's so much bitterness and anger in his voice I'm scared to ask more.

I try using a seductive tone to change the subject. "You are surely blessed with a fabulous tongue." I can't believe I just said that and my cheeks heat instantly.

However, when he roars with laughter it's hundred percent worth it. "Oh, Joy I've-" His head swings to me and his blue eyes go wide.

Suddenly, a horn goes off and I jump, turning to the sound. He rolls down the window and waves to the man getting out of his jeep next to us.

"Good luck this weekend, Coach Frost. I know you guys are going to win." The man glances at me and tips his head in greeting.

"Thanks, Mike. I hope we do because the boys deserve it." Iceman shifts clearly uncomfortable with being stopped.

Mike looks at me again smiling, then he squints. "Hey-"

"I'm sure James will do great this weekend too. See you at practice." We're already driving off before he's done talking.

"Uh Iceman, Mike wasn't done talking." I look out the back window to confirm the man is still standing there in shock from the coach's rude behavior.

"I'm glad you agreed to come along today." He flashes me his beautiful white smile while ignoring my comment. "Iceman?" His eyebrows go up in a flirtatious way.

He likes it and that makes me all hot so I roll down the window some.

"Hey look at that snowman."Good job, change the subject too.I point at the next house with the massive snowman out front near the street. It kind of looks like…I start giggling when we get closer.

He's shaking his head because he sees it too. "The kids like to build snowmen for me." I glance over and his unique blue eyes are staring right at me.

I don't understand what this expression means. Iceman just shakes his head then returns his focus to the road. We do the next house in silence but thankfully that doesn't last long.

"With the last name Frost and a love for hockey, it's a no brainer really. My nickname became Snowman at a young age." He looks at me again, I guess looking for a reaction. "Now the kids adapted the name because of this job. I am the snow man after all." There's a sparkle in his eyes and his smile is breathtaking.

"They sound like smart kids. Do you like coaching them? I have to see this game Mike was talking about. Am I invited?" I hope I don't sound too eager but I'm dying to see him in action.

"I love coaching. Though, I would have never said so ten years ago. Why wouldn't I invite you? I'd be honored if you came to a game." He spares me a quick grin and hits the buttons. "I'm on an adult team too, but it's just for fun. My injury prevented that dream from continuing." He's giving off the I don't want to talk about it vibe. I have a feeling there's a sad story I don't know about.

Then an idea hits me like being ran over by reindeer. Luckily, this gets even better when I spot the beautiful park coming up on the left. "Hey, want to make a snowman over there?" I point to the park as his head whips in my direction.

"A snowman?" His tone gets higher and I nod, laughing at his face. "You and me?" The wonder in his tone throws me off.

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