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"Yeah right, you look beautiful. It’s time to meet the family." Ruby pulls on an adorable Rudolph sweater to go with her tan jeans and black knee high boots.

I glance around and follow her up the snow cleared path. "It's gorgeous up here, but I didn't know we were going to Big Bear." I look down again wishing I’d picked a pantsuit this morning. The massive three story log cabin in front of us is impressive and I can’t stop staring. My lite buzz from the mini bottles is long gone now. I'm grateful the high elevation and anticipation of this place still makes me giddy. I spin around and pick up some snow, throwing it up in the air. It's chilly on the mountain and feels great up here. It’s almost like the cold weather is giving me renewed energy.

"We prefer the frosty weather up here. That’s why the girls picked Big Bear over a big city like L.A. or Riverside. I’m sure they’ll eventually have a location there too, but for now the cozy, peaceful environment here is great for reading." She smiles, linking our arms together when I'm not walking fast enough for her.

As we get closer to the entrance, I get more intimidated. This place is packed and it looks like a nightclub out front. There's a long line of people waiting to get in and everything. Ruby tugs me forward, but I try to pull back. Unfortunately, this chick is strong so I just send the crowd waiting apologetic glances as we pass. Ruby leads me straight to the front of the red ropes blocking the big wooden doors with beautiful reindeers etched in them.

"Saint doesn't need help today, Rudy?" The man in front of us is extremely handsome, but it's hard to take him seriously in that Grinch outfit. His eyes narrow on me and he tilts his head giving me a once over. “Do I know you?”

Ruby laughs and pats the guy on the shoulder. "I’m sure you say that to all the ladies.” He starts to open his mouth but she just covers it and glances at me. “It's a long story. The summary…this guy, like most of the men around here, wants to take my job.”

Now the Grinch pouts staring at her before crossing his big arms over his muscled chest. He's painted but there is a lot of bare skin showing even if it's green. I know he blushes when she leans in and kisses his cheek.

"Too bad I’m Saint’s favorite." She sticks out her tongue teasing him. "Don't call me Rudy either.” She smacks his butt and he freezes, but recovers smoothly.

“Don’t get in any trouble tonight, Rudy. I’m not fighting anyone for you.” He tells her while holding the door open for us. She taps his arm, blowing him a kiss. His stare is intense as I walk by so I just wave.

Once inside, I freeze in my tracks and my mouth pops open in awe. My brain is currently on sensory overload at the moment and my eyes greedily move over all the books in the room.There has to be thousands in here.The whole top floor has bookcases just like the ones in my local library. Shelves upon shelves of books line the right side of the other two floors as well. They even have those cool sliding ladders from Beauty and the Beast to reach the higher books on the top shelf.

There are several different options for seating in this place, like massage chairs, pillow piles and couches. Even the cafe on the second floor has tables and chairs next to it. The bartop is a massive tree that runs along the left side on the bottom level.

Okay, I'll finally address the elephant in the room.

The other rather intriguing aspect of this place is all the half naked gorgeous men I see walking around. I know this isn't a strip club though because there isn’t a pole or stage in sight. Most of the guys have books, drinks or trays in their hands.But…

"Are they giving foot rubs?" I lean in to whisper to Ruby amazed at the very idea.

“I will show you everything just follow me.” She strolls away giggling at my shocked expression.

I watch the woman a few feet away throw her head back in bliss as the handsome man in the Angel costume rubs her feet. He grins at me and points at the sign that reads, “I’m available in 30 minutes.”

My face heats from embarrassment and I run after Ruby with my head on a swivel taking in my surroundings. I get distracted again and stop by a group of women sitting on a huge pile of pillows. They’re all facing a very attractive man in a rocking chair. I'm not even going to hold his cheesy Gingerbread Man costume against him. He’s holding a large tablet in his hands and all the women are leaning closer as one, listening intently. I automatically do the same without realizing it.

What’s he doing?

"That's a good girl, now open up big for y-"

I'm abruptly pulled away before he gets to the good stuff.

I whine trying to tug my arm away from her tight grip. "Come on, I wanted to hear that part.” Suddenly I pull her closer to me using her own arm. “The men read to you here? Why have I never heard of this place?" I notice the signs explaining all the rules scattered around the room and I’m dying to read them. We need to find a seat because this is my new favorite place to be.

"Oh yeah, the guys provide a ton of cool services women enjoy. The business is still new and as you can see, too busy to worry about advertising. It's only word of mouth right now." Ruby waves to everyone that calls her name. You can tell she's the life of the party and I picked a good ride to steal.

We reach the bar and luckily there are two open seats next to each other. The fact that there aren't many guys in this section of the bar probably increases that probability too, but I'm not complaining because I have a great view from here. Ruby whistles loudly leaning on the bartop trying to get someone’s attention. As one, three stunning women move towards us smiling at Ruby. They're all wearing cute headband antlers with bells and have middle brown hair with freckles.

Wow, these people really like Christmas.

A bell rings and everyone in the whole place cheers before drinking from their glasses.

I laugh then look at Ruby confused and interested in what's going on.

"If you finish a book you get to ring a bell and the crowd loves it." She puts an arm around my shoulders and smiles widely at the women. "This is Joy Jolly, y'all. She wants to get wasted with us."

"Well, we can definitely help with that. Hi Joy, I'm Dasher." The woman closest to me points at her shirt that says, 'Just a Dash of Christmas.' I give her a thumbs up because it’s cute and makes sense. "That's Comet and Cupid my sisters." She motions to ladies next to her.

They all watch me waiting for a reaction to their names I’m assuming, but they won’t get one from me because I have no room to talk.

Cupid grins then points across the room. "That's our big sister Vixen and you’ve already met our cousin Ruby here so you get the idea." They all flash me matching white smiles.
