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"Well, my parents loved Christmas and since I was born on Christmas Eve, they decided it was a great idea to name me Joyful Jolly." I let out an uncomfortable giggle and glance out the window.

I look back at her when she doesn't laugh or snicker like I expected. She just smiles at me like it's a commonly used name. “It’s nice to meet you, Joyful.”

"You can call me Joy," I add and shrug my shoulders once. I’m still a little amazed she doesn’t have any questions. Most people have a lot to say about my unusual name. I smile to myself and take another little bottle out of my pocket. I'm really feeling the first and it's awesome. I proceed to chug this bottle like the last and clear my throat to ease the burn. I do gag but she doesn't make fun of me just hands me a bottle of coke. "Thanks," I choke before helping my throat with a drink.

Ruby switches lanes at the last second and she waves at the person honking at her. "I love your name because it fits you perfectly. You shouldn't hate it either because Christmas names are a time honored tradition."

What does that mean?

When she gets on the freeway my eyebrows go up because I have no idea where she’s taking me. She reads my mind or my face and answers without being asked. “We’re going to see the triplets. Technically, their older sister makes four, but you know what I mean."

"Nope, no idea, but for some reason I trust you.” Her eyes sparkle at my compliment.

We drive in silence for a few minutes and that gives me time to think about what just happened. I'm sick of being called uptight all the time and that's one thing I'm not going to miss about my ex. Maybe I deserve this treatment because I’m boring in and out of bed. How do I change myself at this age? I look down at my left hand where my engagement ring used to be. Of course, I threw it in the fish tank where the cheater keeps his prized eel. I silently pray he gets bit trying to get it out.

“Ruby, all I want to know is…do they have booze where we’re going? I need to unwind and forget about my problems for the night." I look to her for the answer. Wow, I'm a little buzzed already.

"Yep! You said bar, right? How about a bar where you can…wait for it." She taps her hands on the dashboard in a rhythmic beat. It’s that Christmas song called Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer. "You can read and get served alcohol by sizzling hot men."

"Read as in books? Wait, hold the phone. You're saying there's a place you can drink and read at the same time?" Uh, the Cheers theme song is playing in my head because I'm about to become a regular there.

"Yep, my cousins are brilliant. Hopefully, you'll meet my sisters tonight too. We’re a big close family." She changes lanes again keeping her eyes on the road. "You didn't even bat an eye when I said men. It's cute that you think I'm playing about that part." Ruby's phone begins blowing up again and she laughs, nodding at it. "They’re excited that I’m bringing you. It's almost Christmas so that means...never mind you'll see for yourself." She shakes her head dismissing the comment and turns on the radio.

Of course, Christmas music is playing on the station andI hate Christmas music.

She glances at me and laughs out loud. "Oh Joy, we're gonna have fun. You should take off those pantyhose though. The jacket was a good start. What size shoe do you wear? I have cowgirl boots in the back that should fit you. You should unbutton some of those too." She points to the buttons on my white dress shirt.

I look down and stare at my outfit. My skirt and shirt are clean, crisp and ironed perfectly. I have smart heels on too. They aren’t too high or too short but just right for a professional woman. Yes, it’s still very boring and the exact opposite of what I want.

When I glance back at Ruby, she’s happily singing away in the driver's seat.

You only live once right?

I throw my purse in the back seat and kick off my heels thrilled at this decision.

“Take it off!” Ruby makes me blush as she cheers and whistles next to me.

I pull off my pantyhose and sigh with relief when I notice my legs are smooth.

“See you’re smiling already.” She winks at me even though I know doubt is written all over my face. "Joy, I promise this is going to be the best Christmas ever."

I’m confused by her comment, but I laugh because I’ve never enjoyed that Holiday. Unexpectedly, a wild idea comes to mind and I don’t think twice. I just roll down the window and throw my pantyhose out. After taking off my seatbelt I get up on the seat and stick my upper half out the window. The cool night breeze blows on my face and I feel free for a few minutes.

Then I think about why I'm here and my heart squeezes in my chest.

He said he loved me.

"Yay, it's time to party, Joyful!" Ruby screams out her window.

The next song that plays on the radio is, "Joyful, Joyful Lord."


"No," I shake my head at her. "I'm not wearing that."

Ruby nods, "Yes you are, stop complaining." She puts the necklace of Christmas lights over my head anyway. This thing even lights up with blinking lights.

"I don't even like Christmas and the boots are bad enough." I complain again, looking down and pouting at the sight of my new outfit. I'm wearing red, green and white now. The red boots are cute but with my green skirt and white shirt, it’s just too much.

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