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Ruby sighs heavily and does the same. We wave at all the cousins and make future plans that I'll probably forget tomorrow.

"I'll be right back." She says and takes off.

My eyes keep moving to a man dressed as an elf holding an impressive stack of books across the room. I can't see his face but I have a feeling he's beautiful.

"Let's go!" Ruby grabs my arm and we continue walking through the bar to the front door.

I don't know what comes over me but as soon as I walk by the gorgeous elf I pinch his ass. He calls out to me and I totally panic. I'm extremely embarrassed so I quickly drag Ruby from the building.

"Ohhh you're going to detention after school." She howls with laughter and I start giggling too.

I let go of Ruby when we are finally outside. Both my hands grib the rail tight as I walk slowly down the slippery stairs.

Once at the bottom, I laugh as I trip over my own feet. Thankfully, I catch myself from face planting in the snow by putting my hands out. She helps me back up and links our arms together this time.

"Let's use each other for balance." She says smiling at me.

"You're so smart." I say grinning and holding on tight.

We walk to the parking lot with her singing, “Santa Claus Is Coming To Town.” She stops suddenly and I almost fall over from the unexpected motion. Ruby’s staring at something and frowning hard. Naturally, I turn my head to check it out.

A man in head to toe white is leaning against a big white SUV. The hood of his sweatshirt hides his face from view. He has one of those ski masks on too, also in white, so you can only see his bright blue eyes.

"What are you doing, Rudy?" The deep voice is hypnotizing when it hits my ears. It almost sounds familiar in some way I don't understand. My childhood nags at me but my mind is too clouded right now.

"Frost, why are you here? I told Saint to send Snowball instead." She says with her hands on her hips.

I giggle and put my hand over my mouth when the guy stares at me. "Snowball! That's what he looks like." I laugh louder pointing at the man standing there. My jokes are hilarious tonight and I’m starting to think I should drink more often.

The man's ice blue eyes narrow at me briefly. Then he ignores me and spins on his heels to open the back door of the SUV. For our part, we just stand there watching him. He throws a fit and growls then aggressively gestures for us to get inside.

"Don't get mad at her. You're the one wearing all that white and I told you, it looks silly." She taps the guy's shoulder laughing at him and gets in the back seat.

I follow after her but then she immediately pops back out. That makes me fall into the huge mountain of a man behind me.

"We are making a pit stop too!" She declares before getting back in the SUV.

It takes me a second to realize the big man's still holding me in his arms. He's pressed in close against my body and I swear he's freezing cold to the touch. It actually makes me shiver in his embrace. Oh, and he smells really good too. Plus, with all those muscles, he's super strong. I briefly get confidence and squeeze his toned forearms. He growls deep right next to my ear so I pull away and jump inside the SUV. He leans into the door chuckling and hands me the seatbelt. His hood drops lower so I still can't see his face. I look down because I’m having issues buckling myself in.

It's cold suddenly, and my head whips up but then the door slams right in my face.

Did he just sniff me?

Ruby smiles at me, wiggling her eyebrows.

What the h e double hockey sticks?

The grumpy dude gets in and turns on the engine before driving out of the parking lot. I'm getting tired again so I rest my head on the window. The cool glass makes me sigh and helps with the spinning. It’s warmer now because he took the cold with him. Why does he have Christmas music playing too?

"Right here. Stop!" Ruby yells and the man slams on the brakes cursing at her.

The tires slide on the snow which makes Rudy laugh wildly. She doesn't care that the dude is pissed and just jumps out the door. I freak out and follow her because I'm scared to be alone with him. He’s mysterious and I’m pretty horny. When I step out of the vehicle, I fall right on my ass and cry out in pain.

"Why are you wearing cowboy boots in the snow?" I look up at the man standing next to me, shaking his head in disappointment. "That’s not really smart." His deep voice is sexy, but the comment wasn’t.

I stick out my tongue because I know I'll just slur my words if I try talking. I'm grateful that I can stand up on my own without falling again. I turn my head away from him embarrassed that he can affect me like this.

Ruby puts our letter in the mailbox then jumps up and down cheering.

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