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He however doesn't agree and just sips his coffee staring at me. His dark brown beard is really sexy and I want to touch it. I’ve never pictured myself as a facial hair lover but he’s turning me on. His hair is the same rich brown color and covered with a red Santa hat.

He sets his mug down and clears his throat. "You will receive twelve days of Christmas Wishes. Some of the stuff on your list is out of the question so we’ve made a few adjustments."

"The whole list was a joke and just something we did to pass the time." I shake my head because I drank way too much. I still can't believe I slept for that long but I’ve been really stressed lately. I set down my mug and stretch my arms over my head.

Santa’s eyes move lower briefly before he aggressively picks up his coffee again. After taking a drink he stares down at the paper and runs a hand over his beard.

Honestly, I can't even remember everything Ruby wrote on that list. I try to look at it, but he moves the paper out of reach.

"I didn’t even write that." I point at the piece of paper he’s guarding.

"We don’t take Christmas lightly where I'm from." I cover my mouth because that's funny. He rolls his eyes shaking his head. "Unfortunately, it’s already started so there’s no going back now." He folds the paper and holds it out for my inspection. "Is this your signature?"

I glance at the paper and agree. “Yes it’s mine but like I said, it was a joke.” It's a sloppy signature, but I know it's mine. The kiss mark next to it has me blushing.

Santa nods and puts away my list then crosses his arms over his big strong chest. That red coat hides nothing and my eyes roam him looking for any hint of what’s underneath. He clears his throat and my eyes meet his again. "Technically, you've already received two wishes."

I roll my eyes and laugh. "Santa, you’re nuts because I didn't accept any gifts from anyone. Just because I signed that list doesn't mean anything." This guy can't be serious, but he looks that way. "You know what? I was really excited about meeting the Reindeers because I need some girlfriends. The jury’s still out on Iceman. However, with all this list stuff," I use my hand to include both of us with the motion. "I wish it never happened."

He frowns, not happy about that comment. "Too bad that wish doesn't count. Iceman, huh? Does he know you call him that? He’ll probably hate the nickname so I’ll tell the others. The cousins are fun and they liked you too." He stares at me tilting his head. "Do you remember meeting anyone else?"

I smile thinking about the great time I had at the Reindeer bar. My mind suddenly wanders to the proud buck I met that night. He was gorgeous and definitely worth remembering but we didn't end on great terms so I shake my head no. Why should I tell Santa about the sexy reindeer?

“Okay, that’s good. Rudy wasn’t clear on all the details.” He visually relaxes and that makes me suspicious about his question.

My eyes narrow at him and now I tilt my head watching his reaction to my next statement. "Well, Blitz was there." I can't read the expression on his face but his green eyes flash with something. "Donner wasn't there though. Did you know all Santa's reindeers are females?" I ask, grabbing my coffee and quickly gulp more down. I'm not usually this talkative in the morning without it.

It's him.

My declaration stuns him and his eyes are still wide. "Please don't let Don hear you say that. Like ever, ok?" He shakes his head, still bewildered or worried for me.

"Why does everyone keep saying that? Blitz freaked out too and he acted crazy when I told him my name. It isn’t even unique among a bunch of reindeers." That’s why he almost spilled all those drinks, right?

"I see," Santa says, all mysterious and making zero sense. He clears his throat and removes something from his jacket. "On the twelfth day of Christmas Wishes your bar tab was wiped clean of exactly twelve drinks. On the eleventh day you get this." The man slides a white envelope across the kitchen table towards me.

I pick it up confused until I look closer, it's familiar.No way!I rip into the envelope, giddy with relief and excitement. The eleven hundred dollar bills are still inside. I count it just to make sure and grin cheerfully when my money is all there. I don't even think twice before jumping up and hugging him tightly.

He doesn't stop me or get upset. Instead, he pulls me to his lap and holds me back. Naturally, after the initial elation wears off I get shy in his embrace. I glance down not meeting his eyes but he lifts my chin with his finger.

"How did you get this?" I stare at him in amazement. This is impressive and definitely awesome for my bank account. I don't count the money again even though I want to.

"You're not supposed to send cash in the mail." He scolds me but doesn't sound stern. Heat fills his eyes as he stares at me. "You smell like sugar cookies and it's quite irresistible for someone with a sweet tooth." He leans into me and uses his beard to tickle my neck. I laugh trying to press closer to him. Santa sniffs the spot right below my earlobe.

My moan turns into a sharp gasp when he licks then bites the same spot. I grind against his huge erection and he tugs on my nightgown freeing one of my breasts. He bends to licks the tip of one nipple. The pure bliss I feel brings me back to my senses.

"Wait, I don't even know your name. Maybe we’re moving too fast here." My words are whispered with heavy regret. He lets me go willingly as I stand up to cover myself again. My pussy screams at me to take a chance and let this man have me. I make myself lean against the island staring at him.

He sighs deeply to himself when he sees I’m not coming back. The tent in his pants makes my confidence soar after the whole cheating thing recently. He follows my gaze and pats his lap grinning when he knows what I'm staring at. The man runs a hand over his beard watching me with desire in his green eyes.

"People call me Saint, or Mr. Nicholas. Christmas miracles are rare and we cherish them in my family. We’re taught from a young age the value of a small town and that way of life." He stands to carry his mug to the sink near me. The gem actually rinses it out and loads it in the dishwasher without being told.

"Thanks for fixing stuff around here." Now that the caffeine is working I can tell he's done a few things when I was knocked out. The lightbulb over his head as been burned out for weeks. "I know I've neglected my apartment. I'm just so busy training my replacement at work and planning the wedding."

"I wasn't doing anything else just waiting on you." He growls and my eyebrows shoot up.

Oh, that's a sexy sound but why is he mad?

Saint leans on the sink watching me. It's truly a blessing he helped me out so I don't hold his mood against him. My landlord said they would be taking money out of my security deposit for any little fixes.
