Page 152 of Suck It Up

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I should say something. Call him back. Tell him I changed my mind. But I only watch him retreating toward the red doors.

"Don't look so frightened, little bird."

My attention snaps back to Dimitri. So, he can tell I'm not entirely comfortable with this development.

Of course he can. He just doesn't mind.

"You'll like the initiation. And then Cam can stop stressing out about you slipping through his fingers."

"He's not stressing out." I huff a laugh at the very thought.

Camden is the most confident man I know—except perhaps Dimitri. He doesn't let go of things he wants to keep. He clutches them in his fist.

Dimitri smirks and tilts his head, surveying me again. "Isn't he?"

I'm uncomfortable by the intensity of his scrutiny, so I change the subject. "So, how do you know Camden?"

"The hospital," he replies. "On the day Cam was born."

That's a long acquaintance. Now I'm starting to understand the protective big brother vibe I get from him.

"My father was friends with his grandfather," he explains, "so I spent a lot of time in Thorn Falls growing up. When Dad was traveling, he'd drop me off at Valentina's. I guess Adrian saw me as an annoying kid cousin." He chuckles. "But Adrian always liked kids. I wasn't surprised when he knocked some bitch up at eighteen."

I should be offended on behalf of said bitch, but after meeting Addison, I let it slide.

"I’m twelve years younger than Adrian, but he used to take me everywhere when I was in town. Hunting, shooting, surfing, hiking—you name it. When Adrian got busy and I had some free time, I took Camden out, too."

"So, you're like, his super-young uncle?"

"Camden did use to call me Uncle Dimka." He smiles at the memory. "I guess he got too old for that."

"How oldareyou?" I wonder, honestly clueless.

Dimitri takes the magnum to top up my drink, his, and Camden’s. "Twenty-five."

Not that much older than me at all, but he carries himself with such confidence I would have guessed something north of thirty.

“And what do you do, Dimitri?" I dig, having a hard time picturing him behind a desk, or studying, or basically anywhere, except maybe sitting on a throne with a big sword in hand.

He's quite the Viking.

"Didn't Camden tell you?"

"He didn't say much about you." Nothing at all, in fact, other than telling me some guy called Dimitri was lending us his jet.

Dimitri brings his flute to his lips, considering his answer as he drinks. "Well, my hands are in various pies. I inherited a number of businesses and I keep them going."

"How can one person manage several businesses?"

"By delegating, mostly. I sit on the boards and weigh in on major decisions, but the day-to-day running of each operation is left to others. I focus on one company in particular—not the most profitable of my ventures, but it's fun. We design games."

"Seriously?" When I think of gamers, I don't picture anyone who looks likehim.

"I enjoy the programming side of it."

"No way! I should get your card, send you my resumé when I'm done with college."

"What are you studying?"

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