Page 10 of Her Wild Ride

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My brothers are assholes.

I prepare for the punch. He might crack my nose, but he’ll stay away from my teeth. There’s a good possibility he’ll crack my rib. But I’d rather all of the above if he stays the hell away from my nuts.

My dad gets his face nice and close to mine. “I have a better idea.”

An hour later, I wish he’d hauled off and punched me. But that’s how my dad works. He always knows the best kind of torture. And ripping apart old skids and removing the nails is a job I’ve never been a fan of. My old man enjoys recycling everything. Since he collects skids from businesses in town, they’re piled high, and I’ve been busy all afternoon.

“You got the shit job.” Rock cruises over, wiping oil from his hands.

“No shit.” I yank off my gloves and wipe the sweat pouring down my face. “Why is the old man still collecting these?”

Rock shrugs. “No idea. You just about done? We’re heading over to Coral Reef for beer and food.”

“Hell, yes.”

Another shower later, and I meet my brothers at the local dive bar. A nice cold frosty beer is waiting for me at the booth.

“That was quite a welcome home.”

“Dad really knows how to roll the carpet out.”

“What was that all about.”

“Damn if I know.” I slug back my beer. I do know. It has everything to do with that night at the lighthouse. How the hell was I supposed to know she was in love with me? I was a stupid teenager.

“Enough about the past. What the hell have you been up to? How long are you staying this time?”

“I’m back for good.”

Rock holds out his hand. “Pay up, bitches.”

My brother slams a hundred-dollar bill in his palm.

Blue hits Rock’s palm hard. “You’ll be paying me double when he packs up and leaves in the middle of the night.”

“Fuck you guys,” I say.

Alyx squeezes my shoulder. “We’re razzin’ you.”

“But seriously, double,” Blue says.

“I’m not going anywhere. I’ve seen everything I wanted to see. Rode everywhere I wanted to ride. Now, I want to...”

The way my brothers are staring at me makes me reconsider my next words. None of the Creed men have settled down and started a family. They won’t understand.

“You did break her heart.” Rock clicks his tongue before swigging the beer.

“Then he broke his own heart.” Blue slowly spins his empty glass.

“I didn’t break no one’s damn heart. Including my own.”

“Now he’s back to win her over, marry her, and pop out little baby Johnnies.”

I point my glass at all my brothers. “I hate all of you.”

“Yeah, well, if you break her heart again, you’ll have us three to deal with.”

“I’ll kick you in the nuts.” Alyx raises his glass.
