Page 11 of Her Wild Ride

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“I’ll break a rib.” Blue jabs his fists at me.

“And I don’t mind wrecking that pretty smile.” Rock slaps my cheek.

I don’t tell them, but I don’t plan on hurting Bexley. I plan on marrying her.




“IKNOW YOU’RE in cahootswith the trio.” My chin balances the cell phone on my shoulder. I juggle two glass jars filled with special blend spices to the front of the shop. “So, you can stop sending me to voicemail and actually pick up the phone. You win. Johnny is helping me at Boo Fest next weekend. Because you’re off doing who knows what with who knows who and—”

“Yoohoo!” The front door jangles as the trio waltzes inside Spice it Up.

“I’ll finish yelling at you later,” I hiss into the phone. “And if you’re with Sawyer Redstone, it’s about time, but pick up your damn phone.” I set the jars on the counter and press End on my call. I slip my phone into the pocket of the long knitted taupe sweater I swapped Billie’s T-shirt for. I also scrapped the pants earlier and changed into a long mustard yellow dress with buttons up the front.

I smile at the trio. “You three must think you’re pretty smart.”

Hattie wears a serious expression. “In fact, we do think we’re pretty smart. But I’m sure we don’t know specifically what you’re referring to.”

“Do tell us more.” Trixie, on the other hand, is practically jumping out of her skin with excitement.

“We have all evening.” Birdie clutches her purse clinking her bangles together.

“I do not. I have a trailer to load for next weekend.”

“With Johnny Creed, we hear.” Trixie’s smile stretches from ear to ear.

“Johnny’s back in town?” My brother Bay sets two more jars on the counter. I hear his concerned undertone. Since my father’s passing when we were young, he took over as the man of the house. Overprotective, overbearing, big papa bear.

I plan to underplay Johnny’s return. I don’t get the chance.

“Yes, he’s back in town.” Trixie lifts the lid off one of the jars and inhales. “And Bexley and Johnny are in charge of his father’s booth at Boo Fest. New spice blends?”

“I thought you and Billie were helping Otto.” Bay watches me as he peels and sticks the new labels on the jars.

“Billie has disappeared, and Johnny offered to take her place.” I try to sound nonchalant. Bay has always been cautious when it came to the Creed biker kids and me. “But it’s a week away, so I’m sure she’ll pop up at the last minute.”

“I didn’t realize you and Johnny kept in touch.” He runs his thumb slowly over the edges of the label.

“We haven’t.” I lift the lid off a jar and slide it in front of Trixie. “New pumpkin blend.”

“Ohhh, I’ll take this new pumpkin blend.” Trixie skates the jar to my brother.

“You’re camping out by yourself, then?” Bay scoops the spice into a bag.

“Camping out?” Hattie pretends to read the labels on the jars, but she’s read each one a few times already. “Why would you camp out? Where are you camping out?”

I glare at my brother. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

Last year during the night, a group of hooligans snuck into the vendor tents and damaged the displays. This year, the vendors banded together to catch the little shits in action. If the trio goes blabbing our plan around town, we won’t catch anyone.

The trio stares at me, waiting for my reply.

“I have been sworn to secrecy, and I’m late.” I elbow my brother. “Thanks for filling in for me.” My brother rarely works at my family’s spice shop. He’s too busy following his own career. “I’ll text you later.”

“Maybe I’ll stop by later and see how the packing is going.” He keys Trixie’s order in the cash register.
