Page 12 of Her Wild Ride

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I grab my purse and keys from under the counter. “Maybe you will not. Goodbye.” I wave, and the door jangles as I leave.

I stop by Brewed With a View and grab a couple trays of strong coffee and a box of baked treats for everyone at the shop. When I arrive at Otto’s, I find the trailer already loaded.

I head inside, and all the bays are dark and empty of the Creed brothers. The only light shines from Otto’s office.

I knock on the open door. “The trailer is packed.”

He looks up under a pair of gold-rimmed glasses. “Johnny got ambitious.”

Johnny this and Johnny that. The man is back for five seconds, and he’s managed to wedge his way into all my conversations.

And thoughts.

My every last thought all afternoon at the market revolved around him, and then the last hour of unpacking the stock from the truck and back into the shop had been pure torture. I can’t rid my brain of his captivating eyes and the way his facial hair gives him a badass edge. Or how much I wanted to kiss him in the shower. Not to mention the warmth mounting in my middle all day. They’re confusing. I’m confused. My memories and emotions are exploding inside me and flying in every which direction, making it impossible to sort.

“Where is everyone else?” The less we speak of Johnny, the better.

“Grabbing a bite to eat with the prodigal son who has returned.” His head drops to the magazine he’s reading.

I bite my tongue from agreeing with his somber and sarcastic attitude. That’s exactly how I feel about Johnny’s sudden return.

“Why didn’t you go?”

He narrows a stare at me over the rim of his glasses. “I put up with them all damn day. I need a break. Why do you think I wrangled you and Billie into helping me at Boo Fest? A break.”

I chuckle and hold up the coffee tray and bag of goodies. “I brought snacks, but since everyone’s gone, you up for a dinner date?”

“I’ll do you one better.” He closes his magazine. “I’ll take you out to dinner, my love.” It’s strange how my younger self didn’t notice the small things he did over the years to be somewhat of the father figure I was missing. I’ve noticed it in my adulthood.

“That sounds great.”

I spoke too soon. I don’t expect him to take me to Tradewinds, the fanciest restaurant in the Bay. I also don’t expect to find myself in the dive bar ordering finger foods. I especially don’t expect to find all the Creed brothers enjoying a beer. Johnny included. There he is, wedging his damn way into my life.

Could it get any worse?

Otto leads us to a booth seat.

“Can I join you for a beer?” Johnny leans over my shoulder.
