Page 37 of Her Wild Ride

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“We’ve got the food trailers.”

“We’re heading to the road to look for cars or bikes.”

I’m a row watcher, so I cruise up and down the rows. I’ve lost sight of them. I see vendors’ vests, seeking between the tents, around trees, and down the paths. I turn the corner and find a culprit sneaking in the distance.

“You’re not getting away,” I whisper to myself as I jog along a tent wall.

The delinquent ducks between two tents. I dart around and meet him in the back. I aim low and press the trigger.

Ping. Ping. Ping.

Three shots splatter. It all happens so fast. I toss the paintball gun and run at the perp. I leap to tackle. I hear Johnny curse. And, bam! My body hits Johnny’s, and we both tumble to the ground.

“What the fuck?” He’s quicker than me. And stronger. In a split second, the ground cushions my back, and Johnny’s over top of me. His legs straddle mine.


“I thought you were one of the hooligans.”

“Why the hell would you think that?” he growls, his fingers tightening around my wrists.

“You don’t have a vest on.”

“Of course I don’t have a vest. Who the hell has a vest?”


He sighs, and his head drops.

“Stick with me. We’ll find them.”

His head lifts, and I honestly have a hard time concentrating when I’m underneath him.“It’s my dad.”

“Who’s your dad?”

“The hooligans. It was my dad and Rune.”

“There were more than two.”

“Who else would be sneaking into our tent?”

“I don’t know.”

He cocks an eyebrow. “A specific trio.”

I groan and roll my eyes. “What are all the old people doing out after midnight?”

“Making sure the love spice worked.”

I pucker my lips. “I’m going to shoot them with the paintball gun. All of them.”

“No, you’re not. But we better find them before the rest of your insane vendor gang does.” He’s right. He climbs off me and stretches his hand out to help me to my feet.

In the next row, we find the five culprits and the trio’s golf cart surrounded by vendors.

“False alarm!” Coco Winds assures everyone. She’s the owner of the local artisan shop.

“Pack it in for the night,” her husband, Damon Redstone, shouts, ushering everyone away from the circle and back to their tents.
