Page 26 of The Gauntlet Trials

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She pushed back, searching his face. “Why do you sound defeated then?”

He raked a hand through his hair and glanced at the bayou. “Old Fate Dice habits die hard. It’s not my first round with those Dice.”

“It can be different. It will be. You’ll see,” she said softly. “You have to have faith.”

“You sound like Seer now.”

“Well, it’s true. We’ll both have faith that the Fate Dice will roll in our favor.”

He was back to staring at the bayou. “Alright Ma Petite. I’ll have faith.” He nodded. “There’s Spook and Maggie.”

Beth hurried to the spot where he parked their little boat and embraced her sister before looking her over. She held up her hand with a huge grin, showing off an ivory-looking ring. “I’m married! We killed an alligator and dismembered him and used his body parts for our wedding jewelry!”

Beth could only stand there with mouth hanging open as Spook came up with his own grin in place, shaking Sahvrin’s hand.

“Killed an alligator huh?” Sahvrin muttered, laughing before giving him a big hug. “Congratulations, showoff.”

Beth broke out in squeals of joy, and they hugged again, jumping up and down in a tight embrace. Her sister was married and so very happy. Surely this was a good sign. Averygood sign.


Cherie fought with her nerves while clutching Tully’s hand tightly. They all gathered in a huge treehouse where two half circle tables sat, one seating twelve women in white robes with white owls masks and the other seating The Twelve and the four wives. There was also a single table and chair between the two large tables and Cherie guessed that’s where the guilty party would sit. She knew very little about why they were there, other than to witness one of the job’s they’d soon be a part of as right hands. There for a hot minute, she thought the twelve women might not allow it, but eventually they were led to the table that belonged to The Twelve where extra chairs were given for them to sit and observe.

Her stomach lurched at the idea she was married. To Samuel. The Twelve’s Seer. She felt the need to crawl and hide behind her own skin, feeling out of place and hella-unworthy. Then she eyed him. Again. Her heart went into immediate palpitation as her body recalled the many times and ways he’d married her and she him. Mercy, what ahotorgy that was.

The center woman in white stood at the table. “The Auditors are ready to hear the first Sinner’s case.”

She sat again as a man she didn’t recognize brought out a hefty giant of a dude and sat him at the small table.

The same woman spoke again. “Who is the Parleur for this Sinner?”

“I am,” Bishop said, walking up to stand next to the man.

“Proceed,” the woman said.

Cherie listened as Bishop gave the Sinner’s name and told his crimes that landed him at the Weigh Station. She sucked in a breath at hearing he was with the Roulettes, knowing how no good that crew was. But when he mentioned their ultimate plan to take Beth and finish what they’d started, she nearly fell out her chair. She grabbed Beth’s hand on her left and held it tight as whispered mumbles broke out.

“Does the Sinner wish to cleanse his soul?”

The man sat there, looking at Bishop then at the women. “Yes ma’ams I most certainly do wish to cleanse my soul. Whatever it is the good Lord has, I’m willing to pay. Torture, or death, it don’t matter, but I would like to ask that the…” The man looked up at Bishop.

“Grand Oratrice,” Bishop muttered.

“Uh, the Most Grand Oratrice allow me to do penance first before I meet my maker. I would like to right as many wrongs as I can. But if that’s not in the cards for me, then I’ll accept whatever my fate is.”

“Let the Seer come forth and see our Sinner.”

Cherie watched Samuel stroll in his easy, sexy stride to the man. He placed his hand on his head and muttered something for many seconds before turning to the women. “I have had confessional with the Sinner, and he spoke the truth. I see that the same truth remains within him today.”

The twelve women all stood and gathered together with their back’s to them, mumbling in French for a full minute before returning to the table. “The Sinner will pay restitution. He will be bound to the Swamp in servitude to its women and children. He may not leave until his servitude is complete. The Judgment Dice will be rolled to determine the length of his sentence.”

Samuel opened his coat and set a black pouch on the table. “Roll the Judgment Dice, son.”

The man opened the pouch and Cherie strained to see what they were. “I just roll it on the table?”

“That’s it,” Samuel muttered.

He shook the dice in his only free hand and let them go. Sounded like more than two dice to Cherie.

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