Page 19 of Finding Reese

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“Yeah . . . no . . . I don’t know. I have to ask you something, but it’s not the simplest thing for me to say.” Shoving my hands in my pockets, I ball them up into fists.

“What is it? Is it illegal?” Christina furrows her brows and crosses her arms over her chest.

“I guess it could be,” I squeak softly.

“Oh, the best kind of requests!” Skyla says. “Come on, spill,” she encourages.

I start on my story, but the minute I say Benny’s father is beating on him, Christina stops me.

“What the fuck! Hell no. Nope. Hold on.” Christina puts her hand up and waves to the other side of the gym. I watch as most of the guys who met up with us at the club come strolling over. I’m disappointed when I don’t see Reese around.

Christina gives the guys the quick and dirty version of what I told her and without ever actually asking for the favor they all agree that the minute I find out where the man is I’ll call them, and they’d go over and have a nice word with him.

“I don’t want you guys to get into trouble. I really don’t know what to do about it. Benny said he wanted to learn how to fight properly, but he shouldn’t have to fight his father. He’s only a little kid.”

“Why is he not in this gym?” Corey asks me, and I shrug. I never did ask Christina if Benny could come here and train.

“Actually, he asked, but I didn’t know what the payments were, and I didn’t . . .”

“Shut . . . up,” Christina says, exaggerating the words.

“He’s going to train for free. Send him here when the community center closes,” Corey answers before he walks away.

“We’re not going to leave him out there to do this on his own,” Travis says.

“Fucking jerk, beating on his family. I don’t even know why some folks still have the right to procreate if they’re just going to destroy what they have,” Rhett says.

“I know you promised Benny that you wouldn’t say anything to the cops, but I want to know if there’s a reason more action hasn’t been taken. I’ve gone out with Kirk a few times, and he’s a cop. I won’t tell him anything is going on, but I can do a little digging and see if there’s more to the story that we don’t know,” Skyla adds.

“Still with Kirk? Wow, things are getting serious, huh?” Christina asks.

Phoenix’s jaw twitches, and he glares at Skyla for a moment before he notices me looking at him. “Let me know how I can help,” he says before brusquely walking off.

I let my gaze follow him as he walks up to the farthest punching bag, and without even wrapping his hands, he begins to whale on the equipment.

My lips twitch with a smirk. I can’t understand how it is no one else hasn’t noticed that Phoenix has a thing for Skyla. Skyla is a catch. She’s beautiful, witty, outspoken, and can pretty much have any man she wants. If Phoenix wants a shot, he’s going to have to stop pretending. He’s going to have to man up and ask the girl out before she’s snatched up off the market for good.

I turn my attention back to Christina, who is still talking about how we’re going to help Benny without anyone getting into any legal trouble. I usually don’t condone violence, but it’s nice to know I have people in my corner who don’t mind getting their hands dirty if the circumstances call for it.



It’s been a couple of days since I made my promise to be honest with Haven, and I’m finding it hard not to talk to her. I want to tell her what’s going on, but I don’t want to see the look in her eyes when she finds out I’m not who she thinks I am.

I’m supposed to see her tomorrow; however, I don’t know if I can face her without telling her the truth.

As I slam my fist against the punching bag, I try to come up with a way to explain everything without her thinking I’m a fraud. Hell, I don’t even know what’s coming over me, to be honest. I’ve never been like this when it comes to women. It’s not something I’ve ever done—given women more than a day or so of my time.

Not until Haven.

With her it’s different. She sees past the fame, and I want her to know the man I am.


I tilt my head slightly to see who’s calling my name, only to find Kai standing there in his suit and tie. It looks like he’s not here to work out but rather to speak to me about something.

“What’s up?” I ask, giving him my full attention.
