Page 42 of Finding Reese

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The mantra repeats in my head over and over as I make my way through the insane crowd in the secret weigh-in location.

Once I made up my mind that I wanted to give my relationship with Reese another chance, it wasn’t hard to get Christina to tell me where the weigh-in would be tonight. It’s all supposed to be hidden from the public since the boxing commission doesn’t sanction this fight. However, based on the number of people in the small space, it doesn’t seem like it’s that much of a secret.

It’s an absolute madhouse in here. I guess I should have suspected it would be. After all, this is the fight that so many people have been waiting for. The number one contender in the world and the present heavyweight champ. Unfortunately, since Reese has been banned from fighting professionally, the public at large will never get a chance to see it.

“Bullshit, have you seen how ripped Sandman is? Hazard doesn’t stand a chance. I’m going to have to double my bet.” A man speaks loudly to another gentleman beside me as I continue to walk through the crowd. Everyone is betting and arguing about who is going to win the fight tomorrow.

Once Christina and Skyla told me about Reese being down in the dumps, I couldn’t let him go into his big match with so much uncertainty. He needs to have a clear head. I’m hoping by the time I leave here tonight, I’ll be able to give that to him.

A different man pushes by me, and I’m knocked against a couple who is standing looking down at what looks to be a betting card. “I’m sorry.” They give me dirty looks but don’t say anything as I back away. This place is so freaking intense.

I’ve never been a fan of boxing, but I didn’t think it would be like this. It seems a bit silly to be trying to guess which one of the big, strong men is going to knock down the other first. All that pain and bloodshed for nothing but entertainment.

“I can do this,” I say to myself again as the urge to turn back to the front door pops into my mind. This isn’t my scene at all, but Reese is worth going through a bit of anxiety for.

The event hall is small, but it looks to be in good condition. Rows of chairs are on either side, of a rectangular platform that looks to be the stage where the fighters will weigh-in. I see a few people up there, but no one I recognize readily. Searching the crowd for either Travis or Reese, I manage to drown out most of the loud chaos going on around me. That is, until a large shirtless man with tattoos and the most ridiculous looking faux-hawk I’ve ever seen stands right in front of me.

“Sorry about that,” I say loud enough for him to hear and try to step around him.

“Nah, baby. Don’t go.” Faux-hawk posts up in front of me, widening his stance and rubbing the patchy hairs on his chin like a cartoon character.

What the hell is his deal?

“I’m looking for someone.” I glare at him.

“Yeah, me, sweetheart.” He smirks, and I cringe away. On top of his absurd hairstyle, the man looks like he’s dripping in baby oil. I’m sure he’s wearing it to look sexy, but honestly, he just looks dirty. I feel like I need a shower just standing next to him.

“I don’t think so.”

“Yeah, I know you. I’ve seen you in the paper with that has been, Reese.” He squints at me, and my stomach rolls. Whoever this man is, I know he isn’t a friend of Reese’s, and I don’t want anything to do with him.

“You don’t know me. I don’t care what article you’ve seen. Furthermore, I don’t know you, and I’m not in the mood to entertain any strangers, so if you can, please move out my way.”

“Of course, you know me, beautiful. I’m the man who’s going to show the big bad Reese what the mat feels like.”

Recognition dawns, and I look the man up and down. “You’re Niko?” My eyebrows raise before I laugh heartily. I need to place my bets too, it seems. This man doesn’t have a shot in hell against Reese.

My laughter must have ticked Niko off because he drops the stupid grin and steps closer into my space.

“Hey, Champ, everything okay over here?” A shorter man comes to stand next to Niko, and the first thing I notice is the small dent on the bridge of his nose.

“Ezra?” I question.

“The one and only.” He focuses on me and puts his hand out for me to shake. I look at it like it’s coated in shit. This is the man who destroyed Reese’s career, all because he wanted to buy his fighter the belt instead of letting him win it like a true competitor.

“Ah, I see. Must be one of Reese’s fan club, then,” Ezra comments snidely.

“And you must be the shady promoter who tried to buy your way to the top,” I retort.

“Oh, this one is saucy. I like it,” Niko says, getting closer to me. He and Ezra have me cornered.

With as much force as I can muster, I shove Niko’s oily chest to get him to back away from me. “I’m going to ask you one more time to get out of my way. I’m done talking to you.”

“Come on, sweet thing. How about you and I spend some quality time together? There’s a locker room in the back. We can get to know each other a bit more intimately.” Niko waggles his eyebrows, and I throw up a little in my mouth. “Besides, you’ve got to be tired of running around with Reese. He’s washed up. I’m sure you know already that his career is over. That man is going nowhere but the gutter. You need to be on my team. I can take you all the way to the top.”

The absolute nerve of this man. How dare he think I’d ever even blink in his direction.

“You’re fucking delusional. Reese is ten times the man and the fighter you’ll ever be. The only reason you even got a shot at the title is because your little rat of a promoter had to cheat to get you in. You don’t deserve to be in the same ring as him. I don’t care if Reese never throws another punch in his life. I’d rather live and die on Reese’s team then step anywhere near you,” I snarl at him, not backing down one bit.
