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My body has only grown stronger over the years. I went back to physical therapy for about ten months. Between that and working out at the gym, I was able to stop walking with my cane. I still have pain sometimes and I know that I always will, but it’s more manageable now.

A knock sounds at the door and I drop a quick kiss on Corrine’s lips before I go to welcome our guests.

“Hey, come on in,” I tell Eli and Hartley.

Eli has their little baby in his arms and I can’t wait to have that too. I never thought that I would want a family or kids, but then I met Corrine and she changed everything.

“Hold it!” Patrick calls as he comes up the front porch steps, a bottle of wine and a bottle of lemonade in his hands.

I smile at the lemonade. Corrine has been craving it for the last few weeks and I’m touched that he remembered and brought her some.

“Hey,” I greet him and I wave as Brennan and Cate come up the stairs next.

“Hey, Uncle Heath!” Brennan calls and I grin and wrap my arms around his shoulders as he comes to give me a hug.

“Ready to eat?” I ask him and he nods enthusiastically.

I lead everyone into the kitchen and go to my wife’s side. She’s frowning, her hands running over her stomach, and I wrap my arm around her waist and study her.

“Are you okay?” I whisper and she nods.

“Yeah, it was just a cramp,” she says and I frown.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

She smiles at me, but I can see a bit of pain still in her eyes. She’s just over eight months pregnant and we were told at our last doctor’s appointment that our baby could come at any day now.

“Sit wherever!” Corrine tells everyone with a smile and I help her to her seat and grab her a glass of lemonade before I take my own seat.

I watch as she takes a sip and she seems to relax, so I do too.

“This looks great,” Hartley compliments, and I smile at my wife.

“It was all Corrine,” I tell the table and she laughs.

“No, it wasn’t. Heath helped too.”

We start to dig in, everyone filling their plates, and I’m about to take my first bite when I notice the look on Corrine’s face.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, dropping my fork down to my plate so that I can go to her.

“I think I’m having contractions,” she admits, her face twisted in pain.

She grabs my hand, squeezing tight as the contraction hits.

“Oh my gosh!” Cate says, leaping to her feet.

“What do we need to do?” Patrick asks.

“Um, I’ll get the bag. I’ll be right back,” I promise Corrine and she nods, breathing out slowly.

I race into the nursery, Patrick and Brennan right on my heels.

“What can we do?” Patrick asks.

“Grab the car seat? I need to take that and these things out to the car.”

They grab the stuff that I point to and I grab Corrine’s shoes and head back to her side.

“Ready to go have our baby?” I ask her as I kneel to slip her shoes on.

“So ready,” she says with a wide smile and I kiss her before I take her hand and help her to her feet.

“We’ll clean up here and be down soon!” Hartley calls as we head for the door and I throw her and Eli a grateful smile as I lead my wife out to the car.

My heart is racing as I climb behind the wheel but it’s not in fear.

It’s in excitement.
