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“Fine,” she says, her hands landing on her hips. “If you care about the dishes so much, then you can do the dishes.”

With that, she turns on her heel and heads out of the kitchen. I hear Patrick snicker behind me and I glare at him over my shoulder. He holds his hands up in surrender, still laughing and I roll my eyes.

“Come on. I’ll help you.”

I start to fill the sink with water as Patrick grabs a towel.

“Are you really going to be okay with grocery shopping tomorrow?” he asks me as I start to wash the first dish.

“Yeah, I’ll be fine.”

He doesn’t look so sure, but he doesn’t try to argue.

We wash the dishes in relative silence. Every now and then Patrick will tell me about a sight that we should go see in town or upcoming plans for this weekend, but I’m not really paying attention.

My leg is killing me. It’s like a constant jolt of pain is racing down my leg and up my spine. I need to sit down. I need to be away from everyone so that I don’t have to pretend that I’m okay.

I pass Patrick the last dish and let out a huge breath of air that I didn’t even realize that I was holding. He gives me a weird look but I ignore it and grab my cane again.

“I think I’ll take a shower and head to bed,” I tell him, still not looking at him.

I don’t want him to be able to see the pain in my eyes.

I don’t want him to worry about me. I’m the older brother here. I should be worried about him.

“Okay. Brennan and I will get out of your hair then. See you tomorrow.”

I nod as he heads into the living room and I start to make my way toward my bedroom. I can hear them saying their goodbyes and I grimace as I reach the first door down the hallway.

I twist the handle and then bite back a curse when I see that it’s her room. I guess I should have had Patrick show me around a little better before.

I try the door across the hallway and almost cry with relief when I see that it’s mine. I head across the room and into the bathroom. As soon as the door is closed behind me. I double over in pain, gripping my thigh.

It feels like I’m on fire and I don’t know how to ease the ache. Maybe the hot water will help, so I hobble over to the shower and crank the lever all the way to the left.

A soft knock comes at the door behind me and I school my features just as the door opens and Corrine peeks around the corner.

“Hey, are you alright?” she asks and I wonder if I look pale or something.

“I’m fine. Just taking a shower.”

“Do you need help?” she asks, taking a step into the room.


“Maybe I should just hang out in case you do.”

“Corrine, if you’re staying in here, then I expect you to join me.”

I don’t know where those words came from and they seem to shock her just as much as me.

She freezes and for one second, I wonder if she’s going to take me up on my offer, but then she’s turning and fleeing out of the bathroom.

I sigh, banging my head on the shower door and I wonder just how badly I fucked up.


