Page 102 of Flame True

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“Thanks for the nightlight, not just here but everywhere.”

“I noticed you didn’t sleep without a light on the first couple of nights.”

“I can’t help it. It’s one thing I can’t make myself stop doing.”

“You don’t have to make yourself stop doing anything, Mulberry.”

She loved how he said her name. “Will you sleep with me tonight?”

His eyebrows raised. “I would love to hold you in my arms.”

“Good,” she crossed the room to him, took his hands in hers and kissed him.

“Thank you.”

“My pleasure.”

Nick turned down the bed, tucked her and a moment later, slid against her, and as she settled against his firm chest, for the first time, she didn’t squash the hope that rose, making her feel like everything would turn out all right.


“Yeah, Dad, I know I need to hire a new assistant” he closed the laptop lid, pacing behind his wall of screens in his tech room.

He needed to hire a whole new team, but he wasn’t going to tell Henri that because he didn’t want to fight with his father right now.

“You must sit with our lawyers as we go to court for that unpleasantness.”

Nick snorted. His father could be so damn vague. He didn’t want to mention the name of the employee who was up on charges for stealing the tracking technology that the Earpods utilized.

He was proud of the Earpods but knew tweaks had to be made.

There would always be someone out there to use it for a purpose other than intended, but he tried to patch in as many fail-safes as he could.

“Our legal team can handle it.”

“I want to make sure they didn’t miss anything.”

“Fine. I’ll take the meeting with legal.”

“Good” he could hear the satisfaction in Henri’s voice. “And let me know when you will move into the office permanently.”

“Fine,” Nick hung up.

There was no point in running from the inevitable anymore.

Though he’d had fun doing it. Nick smiled warily, brushing his fingertips over the framed picture of him, Gabe, Quinn, Erik, Jordan and Logan.

They’d come a long way, but he wasn’t getting any younger and couldn’t do private operative stuff forever.

He fired off a few emails to his team at Laurent Industries, then pulled out all the images the press had captured of him and Mulberry over the last two weeks.

Throwing them all up on the big ass screen that took up an entire wall, he stood, pacing in front of his workstation and studying them, sliding one or two out of the way.

Mulberry glowed in every single photo.

For a woman who tried her best to stay out of the spotlight, it was funny that being watched was her kink.

And maybe that was why.
