Page 112 of Flame True

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Not the settle-down type, despite his mother’s not-so-subtle prodding.

If anyone knew better to keep their expectations trampled down, it was her.

She expected to be walking on set that Tuesday morning in June.

Not waking up with a metal band around her ankle, tied to a stake in the ground, in the middle of nowhere.

Brushing off the memory, her therapist’s words drifted through her mind as if they were an echo. Something about hope and how having hope was helpful.

Nick’s fingers brushed hers slightly, and she tore her attention away from the sparkling yellow light that caught her attention and back to him. The server came again, placing down their mains.

“Mulberry, what do you think?” Livia’s voice brought her back to the table, and she slid her fork around her plate.

“About what? Sorry, I didn’t hear you.”Livia smiled tightly.

Mulberry glanced down, her stomach tightening.

Why did it matter to her what her fake boyfriend’s mother thought of her?

Because she hoped Nick would be more than a fake boyfriend, butterflies exploded at the thought.

“To come with Colette and me to an art opening next week?”

“Sure. Send me the details, and I’ll make room in my schedule.”

“Perfect!” Livia clapped her hands together. “This wrapped green thing is most unappealing.” Livia moved her plate to the side.

“The restaurant was your choice, Mama,” Nick grinned.

“Well, you can’t believe every review. Please don’t eat that,” she said to Mulberry.

“Good, I didn’t want to.” Mulberry set her fork down on the unappetizing stuff on her plate.

“Nick, really?”

Nick shrugged. “I didn’t think it was this bad.”

“He could always eat anything,” Colette said. “Has he told you about his favourite dessert?”

“No, he hasn’t, “Mulberry smiled to see Nick shift in his seat.

“You need to experience it. When we visit Mamie, I’ll take you for pouding chômeur. It’s a cake with syrup, but Maman doesn’t like it.”

Livia visibly shuddered. “I’ll take a pastry, though not from this place.Turning, she looked towards the bar. “I guess it’s one of these places where you must go to the counter to pay. Thank you for coming to dinner, Mulberry.”

“Thanks for inviting me,” Mulberry said.

They left the table and went to join the line waiting to pay.

Nick’s phone buzzed in his pocket. “I’ll be just a minute. I need to take this”, he kissed Mulberry’s cheek and left them at the bar.

“He is totally smitten with you,” Livia said.

“It’s mutual,” Mulberry mumbled.

“What made you take things from casual to something more? Of course, it’s none of my business.”

Mulberry’s cheeks flushed, and she looked at the triangle pattern on the floor, then met Livia’s dark eyes. “Just timing. The timing was right.”
