Page 113 of Flame True

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“Well, I’m glad. But if I were you, I’d make it clear that your Nick’s girlfriend.”

“We’ve been photographed everywhere.”

“That woman looks like she is headed for my son,” Livia nodded to a curvy woman with long black hair. “You have to stake your claim quietly, of course. Don’t make a scene, but see what’s taking Nick so long. You understand?”

Mulberry smiled. “Yes, I do. I’ll be back in a moment.”

“Don’t worry, I’ll still be here,” Livia said. “You think they’d at least serve drinks or something to wash down the food they are making us pay for. Go,” she made a shooing gesture, and Mulberry laughed.

She passed the line of people at the bar, seeing the woman turn down the hall.

At the end of the hall beside the exit door, Nick was reading something on his phone before glancing up at the woman and smiling, then his shoulders tensed and his lips set in a line.

Livia is right. The woman he’s talking to is a love interest, for sure.

She made her way through the crowd, deciding to approach so she’d be behind the woman.

Two men stepped in front of Mulberry, blocking her view, but she heard Nick’s voice.

If she couldn’t make out the words, then the woman’s laugh.

She saw the woman put her hand on Nick’s arm, whispering in his ear.

Nick’s leaned in, nuzzling her neck.

Mulberry’s heart sank to the floor. God, she’d been so stupid.

The men in front of her finally got out of the way. Nick’s face paled slightly at seeing her.

He pulled the woman closer to him as if he was going to kiss her.

He doesn’t care about me at all.

The thought screamed at Mulberry.

She had to get out of there.

Turning on her heel, she ran for the exit, the night air cool on her heated flush.

She steadied herself against a wall for a moment, fumbling with her phone, hating the tears falling down her face What did he want with her anyways? She was too young for him, not experienced enough. Definitely not like that woman who approached him. The one who had perfect make-up and air, who looked like she had it all together.

God, she should have stayed with Livia at the bar.

At least she wouldn’t have seen his betrayal.

Betrayal? Mulberry furiously wiped away her tears.

Hardly. It couldn’t be a betrayal if the relationship was fake.

But her feelings for him were real. God, she had been stupid. And she only had herself to blame. He told her the plan wouldn’t work.

“Mulberry, come with me right now” Nick’s calm tone startled her into dropping her phone.

“No, I’m sure you’d rather be with that woman” Mulberry grabbed her phone. “Hey, let go of me!”

Nick ignored her protest, gripping her under the elbow. He marched her to his car, parked at the side of the restaurant. “Get in.”

Too stunned to do anything else, she did, glaring at him.
