Page 136 of Flame True

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She shrugged. “No. It bugs me more that I had to stop studying to be a vet. I don’t know if I can actually do it.”

“I think you could do anything you want.”

With the intensity of his glare, she believed his words.

The buzzing of Nick’s phone interrupted the moment. “Yeah, I’m on my way,” he hung up, then ran the back of his knuckles against her cheek. “I need to go meet my sister and Xander. I can help you pack.”

“It’ll just take me a few minutes.”

She swallowed, feeling tears well. It had been the best day, talking and laughing with each other. It felt like an actual date.

It felt real, like a real relationship.

She frowned, stuffing last night’s clothes into her bag.

“Thanks for bringing me here.”

“You’re welcome,” she shuddered as he put a palm against her cheek “Time to get back to the real world.”

“The last place I want to be.”

“I’ll walk you up to Emma’s room.”

“Thanks,” Mulberry said.

He laced his fingers in hers, walking her out of the beautiful suite and closing the door behind them.


She held onto Nick’s arm in the elevator, riding to the top floor.

“Call me when you want me to pick you up. Want to go out to dinner tonight?”

“Yes,” she stood on her tiptoes and kissed him, savouring the scent of his sandalwood aftershave as the elevator opened to a carpeted hallway.

“Perfect.” His lips met hers, and she drank him in, not wanting to be away from him.

She heard the click of the door behind them.

“Hello, lovers,” Emma grinned.

“Hi” Mulberry broke off the kiss, and Nick’s fingers slipped out of hers.

She hugged her best friend.

“Thanks for coming. Sorry to pull you away,” Emma said.

Mulberry took in Emma’s yoga pants, her long t-shirt and the dark circles under her eyes and felt guilty for not spending time with her.

“You didn’t. I’m happy to hang out with you.”

Emma smiled. “You can’t fool me, Mulberry. I don’t think I’d leave that man’s side.”

Nick coughed. His face grew a satisfying red hue. “That man has to go. Call me.”

“I will.”

Nick waved and strode down the hallway to the doors that led to the stairs.
