Page 31 of Flame True

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“Yes, I’ll have the Oyster Rockefeller, and my girlfriend will have the Cvechice, though we can share, can’t we?” Nick threaded her fingers through his.

Mulberry squirmed on her chair, unsure how to take his affection. Was he mad about being called old and nerdy? She stifled a giggle and leaned close to him.

“Of course, we can share. What do you want, Emma?”

Emma grinned. “What, I can’t share too? The fish tacos are fine for me, thanks.”

“That’ll be out in just a minute,” the waiter said.

“Mulberry, since when do you like Cvechice?” Emma asked.

“You know, your tastes change.”

Emma licked her lips as her gaze took in Nick. “I’ll say.”

Okay, so they used to joke about guys like Nick, how they were probably very boring in bed and how they were no fun, with no imagination or conversation skills.

Even though Grace kept a low profile, Mulberry was still the daughter of a Hollywood actor. Mulberry liked to party when she was younger.

She had boyfriends. Most of them sucked and were only there for fame or money, but she had a good time.

Nothing was wrong with that.

But as Nick patiently answered Emma’s questions, Mulberry realized how wrong this was. Emma wasn’t going to buy this for a second.

Mulberry wrapped her arm around Nick’s, nuzzling close to him.

Nick coolly patted her arm, returning her gaze.

“Nick, are you making sure Mulberry is taking her anxiety medication when she needs it? She can be so stubborn.”

Mulberry tried to kick Emma under the table, but Emma batted her eyelashes at her.

“Yes, I know she can be stubborn.” Nick threaded his hand through hers and brought them to his lips. “But she’s worth it.”

“Adorable!” Emma clapped her hands.

Mulberry sighed. Nick tightened his grip on her and mercifully switched to asking Emma what she was working on.

“Right now, I’m living my dad’s dream,” she said. “I got a part in the show with Grace’s mom and my dad.”

“Congrats,” Nick said.

“It’s not what I want to do, you know? But it makes him happy,” Emma flicked her straw at Mulberry. “But your mom will talk to you about doing a guest role on the show. You could play the best friend of the next-door neighbour’s kid! Wouldn’t that be cool to be my on-screen best friend?”

Nick raised an eyebrow at her. “I didn’t think you wanted to act right now.”

“I don’t. It’s not like I signed up for it.”

Emma laughed. “Like you have to! You look like a younger version of your mom. You get every role you audition for.”

“I only auditioned once to help you,” Mulberry said. Emma had a way of getting on her nerves.

In trying to get Sheldon to stop pestering Emma about acting, Mulberry had gone to an audition with her for moral support right before she got taken. She’d gotten the role but couldn’t take it because she was too wrecked over what had happened, obviously.

“Excuse me,” the waiter smiled at them and carefully set the plates of hot food on the table.

“Thanks,” Nick said, smiling at the waiter.
