Page 48 of Flame True

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She didn’t pull or move away but matched his movement, step for step.

“Tell me how you really feel.”

“Since you asked.” Nick brought her so close to his chest, exacting enough pressure not to make her move.

Those big grey-blue eyes dilated.

“I’d take you home and tie you up so you couldn’t leave until we found whoever is behind this.”

Mulberry licked her lips.

He watched as her throat swallowed. “Great plan, except nobody solved the kidnapping for over a year.”

“So you’ll just put yourself at risk?”

“No. I’m determined to live my life,” she glared at him.

The music ended, but Nick didn’t let go of her for a long moment. He wanted to shake her and make her understand the risk.

He didn’t doubt his abilities to keep her safe, but she was playing a dangerous game.

“Do you always get your way?” He asked into her ear.

“Of course. I’m nothing but a spoiled bratty rich kid,” she batted those long eyelashes at him. Nick grabbed her hand and marched them to the table and the empty seats next to his mother.

“Didn’t you two look great out there. Remember to take your Maman for a spin.”

“I will.”

Mulberry’s hand landed on his lap, and he shifted. The warmth of her fingertips seared through his pants.

Damn, this woman was going to make him lose control.

“So Mulberry, what do you do?”

His mother spun her glass of wine in her hand, her blonde hair perfectly curled under her chin, her makeup perfectly applied.

Mulberry smiled, leaning forward in her seat. “You mean for work?”

“Yes. If I am being nosy, tell me,” Livia smiled.

“No, it’s okay. I’m still figuring out what I want to do. I really wanted to be a vet.”

Nick coughed. A vet? This stuck-up girl wanted to work with animals? He tried to picture Mulberry getting dog hair on her clothes and couldn’t.

“What a noble profession,” His mother smiled. “Your grandmother is delighted that you have a girlfriend. It’s time to introduce her to Stella. You have been dating for nearly a year.”

Nick shifted on his seat, the idea of taking Mulberry home to his Mamie incredibly uncomfortable. His grandmother would see through the lie.

He put a hand on his mother’s shoulder and kissed her cheek. “Yes, I can’t wait to show Mulberry home.”

“I’d love to meet your mother sometime.”

“Sure. I’ll let her know.”

“Great. Nick, I think Henri wants you.”

Nick turned his head to see Henri pointing at him.
