Page 71 of Flame True

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“Thanks for showing me this place” Mulberry took Nick’s hand, squeezing it in her soft one.

“You’re welcome.”

The touch surprised him. There were no cameras here, no one to impress. The employees and volunteers might know who they were, but they wouldn’t comment if Meera didn’t bring it up.

“Look at this guy,” Mulberry pointed to a three-legged Beagle.

“This is Socks,” Nick said.

“We’re trying to teach him to use a wheelchair,” one of the volunteers said.

Socks sniffed at the wheelchair, barked, and stood ramrod straight as the volunteer gently wheeled it over to him. “Come on, Socks, let’s get you in.”

Socks didn’t move.

“Aww, he’s scared,” Mulberry said.

“Yeah, but it’ll help him sniff all the things he wants to, right, Socks?”

“It will, but there’s no rush. We’ll keep trying, Bree,” Meera put a hand on the volunteer’s back, and she flushed.

“I know,” the teen smiled.

“I have a few things to take care of back at the house. Thanks for stopping by, Nick.”

“Of course, any time I can. We’ll walk back with you.”

They took their time walking back, pausing to watch the dogs swim in the pools and a couple of Greyhounds running through an obstacle course looking like they were having the time of their lives.

At the house, Meera stopped and turned towards Mulberry. “Nice to meet you.”

“You too. I‘ll tell my mom about this place.”

“I was hoping you would,” Merra handed Mulberry her business card. “In case you feel like making a donation.”

“Of course” Mulberry took the card and put it in her purse.

“See you, Nick. Go play with the puppies if you want.”

Nick waved, then took Mulberry’s hand, leading her to the puppies. A volunteer was in the extensive run with them.

“Are you the new owners?” She asked, cleaning her glasses.

“No, I volunteer here when I can. We’re just visiting today,” Nick said.

Mulberry was already in the pen, three puppies in her lap. “They are so soft! And chewy!”

A puppy tried chewing on her shirt, Nick braced for a second, but Mulberry gently removed her clothing from the puppy’s mouth.

“No chewing! Here you want a toy?” She reached behind her into the bin of chew toys and threw one, the puppies ran for it, and she laughed, throwing a couple more.

As Nick crouched down beside her, cuddling a shyer puppy, his heart melted.

This woman wasn’t shallow or stuck-up, or spoiled.

She was kind of amazing.

His heart thumped in his chest.
