Page 72 of Flame True

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He wanted to kiss, tease, and pleasure her until she screamed his name.

Damn, he was fucked.

* * *

They stopped at a fry truck on the way back to the city.

“I love these fries!” Mulberry dipped one in ketchup.

“Yeah. Did you have a dog growing up?”

“Nope. Hard to have a dog with Grace’s schedule. But my Nana May and Grandpa Mark have an orange grove. They have dogs.”

“I’ve never seen an orange grove.”

“I mean, it’s not very exciting. Trees and oranges,” she gestured.

Nick laughed. “You’re adorable.”

The words shot out of his mouth before he could clamp them down.

Mulberry’s cheeks turned bright red. “My grandparents weren’t fond of the whole having a gay-dad thing, and it took them time to be accepting of the idea.”

“That’s dumb,” Nick said. “They can’t change who your dad is, and he’s family.”

“Yeah, they’ve come around in recent years, and after…what happened, I spent a couple of weeks on their property where they left me alone, I mean, they fussed over me, but they didn’t ask me questions.”

“I’m sure lots of people pestered you about it.”

“Yeah. Emma didn’t know what to do. And many other people thought it was some kind of PR scheme.”

“I’m sorry it happened to you, Mulberry.”

“Thanks,” she looked down.

He wanted to reach out and move the hair out of her face, but instead, he busied himself by stacking their empty containers and taking them to the garbage.

“Does Grace need that kind of publicity, is that why some people thought it was a PR stunt?”

“Not at all. Especially after the trilogies, she turns down more roles than she accepts.”

Nick sighed. If there was any evidence that Grace arranged her own daughter’s kidnapping, the authorities would have discovered it by now.

His stomach flipped-flopped as his eyes roamed over Mulberry, pausing on how her hair glinted in the setting sun.

There was something so natural about her, so unpretentious.

“Why are you looking at me like that?”

“No reason.”

“Really? Because you’re looking at me as if you want to kiss me.”

His cock, throbbing and insistent, thought that was a great idea.

“Let’s go home.”

She took his offered hand and then stopped, her fingers walking up to his collar. “Are you going to kiss me?”
