Page 79 of Flame True

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Nick was whisked away at the TV studio while Mulberry was led backstage.

Five minutes later, Henri and Nick walked onto the set. The host greeted them, and the monitor backstage turned on.

The intro music played, and the host made the introductions.

Nick settled, causally with his arm thrown over the back of the sofa, while Henri kept his eyes on the host.

“Why did you want to move the headquarters of Laurent Industries to the West Coast?” Mulberry bit her lip as Nick shifted beside his father on the sofa.

On set, Henri gestured with his hands, his one-shoulder shrug an imitation of his son’s.

“Well, as you know, we have had a satellite office here for the last three years, so it felt like a natural move.” Henri smiled as the host laughed. “But we have exciting new projects to roll out this year, and we feel Vancouver is the best place to do that from.”

“Can you give us a hint of what’s coming?”

“I’ll let my new Chief Operating Officer tell you.”

Mulberry inhaled a breath at the shock on Nick’s face.

It was so quick she doubted anyone actually picked up on it. Nick flashed a smile and mirrored his father’s body language as he explained the products coming out this year.

Did Nick know this announcement was coming this morning? Maybe that was why he had been so chilly to her?

As Nick went on about the new laptop’s features, Mulberry relaxed. Nick loved talking about their latest gadgets, and he did it well. Finally, it was over.

A woman brushed by her, then stopped, her eyebrows rising.

“You’re Mulberry Stevens.”


“Nice to meet you!” She gushed.

Mulberry smiled. “You too.”

“Have a good day,” the woman smiled.

Mulberry nodded.

She had chosen fake dating, being guarded by Nick, making sure the media saw her. The other option was to start over with someone she didn’t know.

That thought hurt, creating a stinging in her chest.

She’d stick with the devil she knew.

And the devil flashed a sexy grin as he strolled toward her.

“Hello, love.” He kissed her one cheek, the n the other, and she almost automatically returned the gesture.

“Mulberry, it’s nice to see you here,” Henri said. His eyes twinkled, and he did the kiss-kiss thing.

Henri Laurent might be worth a fortune, but he was easy to be around.

“How did we do?”

“You’ll have people demanding to order that sonic laptop.”

“Yeah, my phone hasn’t stopped buzzing. I made our marketing people angry. I wasn’t supposed to announce that until next month.”
