Page 121 of Blood Money

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“Let me go, right this instant,” she hisses, taking on the venomous tone I know. “You’re fucking crazy to think you can do this to me. My family will ruin yours.”

I’m quiet, watching her helpless struggle. Eventually, she gives up and her eyes start to glisten. She’s on the verge of a breakdown.

“Have you lost your fucking mind, Alexander?” she shakes as she speaks. Probably the reality of the situation is finally setting in—she’s all alone with me in a strange place.Me, the man whose fiancée she’s terrorized for the past few months.

She must know what’s coming next.

I don’t reply to her whines, even though it takes so much out of me not to lunge at her. Cassidy tends to monologue when she thinks she’s backed into her corner. It’ll be fun to watch her dig her own grave further with her careless words.

My blood starts pumping faster as I watch her descend into despair.

The tears turn her cheeks into glistening orbs. “You’re fucking ridiculous. My mum is aDuchess. You can’t fucking get away with whatever you have planned. The whole world watches me.” A sniffle. “The girls probably already notice that I’m gone. They’ll come looking.”

That’s my cue.

“Oh, I will get away with this, Cassidy.” I say. “Unlike you, I know how to cover my tracks.” I smile mirthlessly. “I’m not driven by stupid emotions. By the time anyone notices you’re missing, you’ll be lucky to remember your own name, much less tell them what happened.”

I’m careful not to let my anger bleed into my expression. I need her to feel that I’m calm. It will scare her more than my anger ever will. She watches me beneath wet, heavy lashes, her chest straining against the duct tape with quickening breaths.

“Did you really believe I wouldn’t find out all that you did?”

She lets my question hang in the air.

“Find out what?”

But it isn’t Cassidy who answers me. No, the voice comes from the stairwell behind me. I turn to find Alize standing there, her eyes bouncing wildly between Cassidy and I.

Perfect, she’s here.

Now, the show can finally begin.



What the actual fuck?

First, I almost stabbed Vanceagainfor barging into my room in the middle of the night and hurrying me to get dressed. The next thing I know, he and Ezra are carting me away to some secluded cabin in the middle of woods with little more than a vague explanation of why. If I didn’t know how scared they were of Alexander, I would have thought they were taking me here to kill me or something.

Now, I’m in the spooky basement of the building and Alexander hasCassidytied up like a hostage in a horror movie. I walked in during anoddconversation, too. My mind is reeling with all sorts of things—is this some sort of sick joke?

My stomach churns.

Alexander’s face lights up when he sees me, and he walks over to press a kiss to my forehead. He wraps a hand around my shoulders and leads me to the center of the room, close enough that I can smell the stench of dried sweat rolling off Cassidy.

She’s dressed in a two-piece gym set and sneakers. Coupled with heraroma, she must’ve been taken here against her will. There’s no way she would be willing to be around Alexander this stinky.

Did he kidnap her?

I’m reminded of all the times I’ve been treated similarly at Cassidy’s behest. At least she’s dressed in something—the first time she had me forcibly taken from my room, I was naked.

“Good, you’re finally here,” Alexander grins.

The moment he turns to Cassidy, the smile falls from his face.

At the sight of me, Cassidy’s expression changes from the teary-eyed one I glimpsed when I first got down here. There’s an air of haughtiness to her now—the same look she’s worn since the moment I met her. Though her cheeks are wet with tears and she’s strapped to a chair against her will, she’s still carrying herself like she’s the one in control.

The ego she’s got is unbelievable.
