Page 33 of Blood Money

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When we get to the bistro,Thelwood,Nya’s already got us a table.

Her face lights up when she sees us, and she stands to catch us both in huge hugs—her long, dreadlocked hair swishing about her waist. Today, she’s dressed in a plain white shift that hugs her lithe body and compliments her dark skin.

Gorgeous, as always.

“You saw us like three days ago,” Tara says, but she’s hugging Nya tightly. “You’re acting like it’s been months.”

“It feels that way,” Nya says, settling back into her seat.

Her dark eyes are wide with delight, and I smile back at her.

The bistro isn’t full yet, and our seat is on the corner of the patio, in the shadow of a giant spruce. The wind is crisp, and flows through the open sliding glass doors and accordion windows, carrying the smell of freshly baked pastries and breads.

This slice of life feels perfect, natural—I close my eyes, committing it to memory.

Nya’s hand on mine pulls me out of my thoughts.

“I’m so glad you’re safe, Alize,” she says, looking at me intently. Her expression has worry and relief mixed in, a small smile on her lips. “When I saw the announcement I almost fainted. I called Tara immediately, but she told me you were already with the Chancellor.”

I squeeze her fingers. “I’m okay now,” I say, but I don’t really believe it.

I don’t know what I am right now. On one hand, I’m thankful to not be pretending anymore. However, my truth has opened a whole new set of problems—Alexander for one, and the risk ofstillbeing killed, this time for who I am, not because I pretended to be someone else.

It’s a lot to think about, and definitely too much to talk about at the lunch table with my friends. So I push the conversation somewhere else.

“I never did find out what happened that night on the trip,” I say to Nya, ignoring the knot in my throat at the mention of the night my life went to shit. “How did the one bed situation go, with Vance and all?”

Nya’s expression instantly twists with ire. “Girl, I don’t want to fucking talk about him,” she says, taking a swig from her water. “Let’s just say I was wrong about him. He’sdefinitelya Kingmaker asshole.”

I crack a smile. “So we’re agreed that their boy’s club is full of blockheads?”

Nya nods vigorously, and Tara laughs. The waiter comes over to take our orders—I get the spicy salmon sushi and some cold noodles. Nya leans over to me conspiratorially when he’s gone.

“It’s nosy of me, I know. The whole engagement thing. It’s a little sudden, no?”

Maybe it’s because I’ve turned over those words in my mind so often since yesterday, but her question doesn’t shock me—or anger me—as much as they did coming from Alexander’s lips in the Chancellor’s office.

I look around to make sure nobody is paying too much attention to our conversation. Thankfully, the restaurant is still sparse, and the people who are here don’t seem to care too much about what’s happening at our table.

“Technically.” My voice is a low whisper. “He lied about it to stop them from having me killed.” No, that sounds too much like he did something good. “We’re still broken up, though. He ratted me out then did this so I would have no way of escaping him.”

Absently, my hand travels to the necklace hanging from my neck, the one I can’t get off. Putting this fucking collar on me was the beginning of the end, I realize now.

“That is so fucking mental.” Nya frowns. “I hate him,” she says. “I hate them all.”

Tara is busy with the fresh bread the waiter brought out for us, but joins the conversation once she hears those words.

“Amen!” she interjects. “Men are only good for their cocks.”

A round of laughter erupts from us, and as I look around at my grinning friends, I realize that maybe I’m not as alone as I thought. The past few months, I’ve spent so much time in fear that I didn’t realize the amazing support system I’ve found in these two girls. They still enjoy my company—even after discovering my truth.

I might not know what the future holds for me, but I’m grateful to have them.

It’s more than I could ever ask for.


