Page 41 of Blood Money

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“A better question is what didn’t you do, bitch,” Victory hisses, taking a step toward me.

They are on the other end of the room, but even from this distance I can see that she’s a formidable woman. She’s the tallest of the four of us, and even beneath the expansive robe, an athletic body ripples. Victorydefinitelyplays sports.

“What Victory means to say,” Cassidy says, giving the girl a pointed look. “Is that there arepossiblythree strikes against you.”

One of them is obvious, but I find it still stings to hear it from Liz’s mouth.

“You lied about who you are,” she says, holding up a finger. “You’reengaged,which violates the first premise of the Hemlock House ordinance—”

“And you assaulted my sister in the hallway yesterday,” Victory spits.

My throat goes thick, but I’m not remorseful. She got what she deserved.

Three strikes and you’re out. “What’s wrong with an engagement?” I hiss. “So many of the girls in the House are engaged, or in arranged marriages.”

Cassidy laughs mirthlessly. “Hemlock House is devoted to female empowerment. It is at the discretion of the House Council to permit engaged sisters-in-waiting to stay in the house. Usually, we don’t mind. But the Council took a vote, and it didn’t end in your favor.” She narrows her eyes at me, her face contorting into that same look she wore the night in the hot spring. She knows she’s backed me into a corner and is holding all the cards. “After three strikes, you’re kicked off Hemlock. You agreed to all of this when you were admitted to the House. Unlike you, when we say something, we’re truthful.”

The past few days, quite literally, flash before my eyes. Panic materializes in my chest as the implication of what she’s said starts to take shape in my mind.

No. I can’t end up in Hell House.

Everyone here is still on edge that they didn’t get to hunt me. If I feel unsafe here in Hemlock, I’ll be even more unsafe there. I’ll have no friends. They’ll kill me and call it an accident.

Nothing would come of it either, because they all want me dead anyway.

As if sensing my spiraling thoughts, Cassidy says, “However, there is one way to prevent getting kicked out.”

As much as I hate it, a small spark of hope stutters to life in my chest at her words. It’s unlike Cassidy to offeranyonean olive branch, so I brace myself for what will come next.

“You can break off your engagement.”

My heart sinks.

Of course, there it is.

Cassidy’s eyes are wide with anticipation, a sly smile on her face. How did I not see this sooner? Of course she would want me to do that—she’s after Alexander,still. I want to tell her that she can have him, that I don’t want him.

But I realize that I don’t like the idea of it.

Even after everything, a tendril of jealousy curls itself around my throat. Cassidy will never get Alexander. I will never allow it. This engagement might be fake, but in her eyes, it’s real. I’m sure she wishes it was her instead of me.

Also, Ican’tbreak it off.

Though I can’t be sure how much of the story Cassidy knows, if I break off this engagement I’ll be signing my own death warrant. It’s the only thing keeping me alive right now.

“No,” I say, simply.

Cassidy’s face crumbles. Victory smiles, and Liz looks like a deer caught in headlights.

There’s anger and hatred and disgust swirling on Cassidy’s features. She stomps over to me, her heeled shoes clacking against the wooden floor. She tries to grab me by the shoulders, but I grab her wrists first. She seems surprised that I’ve touched her.

“Give it up, bitch,” she hisses. “You’re going to die in Hell House, I’ll make sure of it. I’ll have them skin you like the fuckinganimalyou are.”

Behind her, Victory and Liz are watching with venomous looks on their faces. I’m certain they want Cassidy to hurt me, or for me to die in Hell House.

I’m not going to give them the satisfaction.

Just then, a thought springs forth in my mind. It will hurt herrightwhere she’s most vulnerable, because the whole disciplinary meeting has shown me one thing—she still wants Alexander, even after everything.
