Page 51 of Blood Money

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I may have lost the battle, but I will win the war.



It’s surreal.

Just across the hall, behind the door, lies the girl who wrecked my life—or saved it, depending on how I think of it.

To have her this close is both exhilarating and calming, as I’ve been worried about her wellbeing over at Hemlock ever since they announced our engagement. The busted lip didn’t make anything better, especially since she’s tight-lipped about what happened. I’ll have to get it out of her eventually, so I can break their fingers for touching her.

I’ve been resting easier knowing she’s safe with me.

It might not fix all our problems, but at least I don’t have to worry about her safety anymore. My life is like Murphy’s Law on crack at the moment. One less thing that can go wrong, is one less thing for me to worry about. My plate is already chock full as it is.

When I made Alize my Courtesan, having her move in with me was always the end goal. I didn’t want to have to force her into it, though. That would have taken the fun—and solemness—out of the occasion.

Living together is a serious step, one I am never going to let her undo. Once she’s here, she’s here for good. It’s peak irony that she’s ended up moving in against her will when it was the one thing I was willing to give her a choice about.

My feelings haven’t changed, though.

Now that I’m sure how I feel about her, I want her tochooseme.

I take a drag of my cigarette, blowing spheres into the chilly early morning air. Alize getting kicked off Hemlock at a time like this reeks of Cassidy’s orchestration—it must have been her plan all along, after filling Alize’s head with lies about what happened between us.

The bitch is crafty, I’ll give her that.

It’s still a puzzle to me how she knew about the cabin, though. Alize is the only person I’ve ever brought there. It was my mum’s, for fuck’s sake. When I told Alize as much, it was my way of showing her how important she was to me. But Cassidy knew, somehow. And that made her lie even more believable.

Rage simmers beneath my skin, my fingers itching to close around Cassidy’s throat for all the problems she’s caused me, the pain she’s put Alize through. But, I already have too much going on to hunt her down—I need to regain Alize’s trust and snuff out the leadership challenge brewing within the House.

She’s fucking fortunate that my revenge will have to wait.

My goal of becoming Head Kingmaker is threatened by the half-pint alliances Keller and his minions have formed. It’s not often that what happens on the outside influences things on campus, but when they do, it’s definitely a shitshow.

I need to crush them in this election—decisively too.

All this time, I never paid much attention to Cesare, yet he’s turning out to be a huge pain in my ass. The fact that someone affiliated with the Beneventis could fly under my radar for so long is appalling. Vesuvio’s marriage didn’t just happen overnight. It had to have been arranged, so the Strinatis have been their allies for a while.

Losing this election will not only end my dreams—it’ll put Alize in the very danger I’m trying so desperately to get her away from. She needs this just as much as I do. Even though I’ve yet to win back her trust, I will continue to make decisions for our future together. And in that future, I need to be powerful enough to protect her.

The thought of a future with her has my cock stiffening in my gray sweatpants.

She’s so close.

If I wanted to, I could go over to her room, force my hands around her throat and fuck her tight, sopping cunt until she begged me for mercy. Her pretty cheeks would be flushed and wet with tears, her plump lips quivering on a scream. She would be so wet for it all—the pain, the terror, my cock driving deep inside her. As much as Alize likes to act, she’s a slut for whatever I want to do to her.

I fucking love it.

A shudder courses through my body, my erection growing painful.

If I want to fix things the rational way, I can’t let errant thoughts of Alize cloud my thoughts, else I’ll end up losing control of the little bit of composure I have left. We’ve been sharing the same space for a few days now and I’m still not used to having her around.

It’s harder than I thought it would be.

Maybe it’s the fact we’re on bad terms and she won’t let me touch her the way I want to, yet everywhere I go, there’s a reminder of her. That alone would drive any man to the brink of insanity.

The heady vanilla smell of her lingers in the room for hours after she’s left it. I like the light patter of her bare feet against the hardwood floors. I’ve even gotten hard from seeing her lipstick stain on an empty glass in the kitchen.
