Page 63 of Blood Money

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“Your pussy was so wet it was dripping down your legs. If she could have talked she would have been begging me to fuck her.”

She grits her teeth. “Fuck you, Alexander—”

“Yes, you most definitely did. I enjoyed italmostas much as you.”

Alize is trembling with anger, staring daggers into me with those beautiful hazel eyes. My eyes fall to her lips. Last night, I wanted to kiss her—but I couldn’t. Kisses are for good girls, and she’s not exactly being one. I want her now more than I’ve ever done, though.

“Are you finished being angry?” I ask after a few heartbeats of silence. “I made you breakfast. You need to replenish all the fluids you lost last night.” I’m smirking, but she doesn’t find it funny.

Her gaze moves to the table, as if she’s just now realizing there’s food on it. My chest swells with pride.I made all this for you, I want to say. Something tells me she won’t receive it as a compliment.

She’ll probably think I poisoned it.

“No,” she says, narrowing her gaze. “I’m not going to eat.”

I cock my head to the side, assessing her. “I can take my breakfast in my room if that would make you more comfortable,” I offer. Maybe she isn’t ready to share a meal with me yet.

“No. I won’t be eating at all. I don’t want your food.”

My ego is a bit bruised, but I smile nonetheless. Alize never fails to surprise me. “Suit yourself, sweetheart. You’ll have to eat eventually.”

She shakes her head. “I will eat when I leave here. I don’t trust you.”

Hearing her speak my own thoughts angers me more than I would like. It would have been nice to not play this game, just this once. But if she wants war, she can have it.

I toss my half-eaten slice of toast down and stand to my full height.

“You’re not going to leave this room if you don’t eat,” I hiss. “It’s pretty fucking disrespectful to trash my cooking when I made all this for you.”

“I might take a bite and drop down dead, for all I know.”

I take a step forward, she takes one back. “If I wanted to fucking kill you Alize, I would have done it last night when I had my hands around your neck. Or when the knife was right above your heart.” I frown. “ Or when you were passed out from more pleasure than your body could handle.”

She was so vulnerable last night and I didn’t hurt her beyond what she wanted, what I knew she could take. Why the fuck would I poison her now? Somehow, all this makes sense in her fucking head—if I didn’t know how traumatic the things that happened recently were on her, I would think she’s lost her mind.

Her cheeks flush and she breaks eye contact briefly. “You can’t keep me here.”

“Oh, but I can,” I say. “You’re in my room, in my House.”

“I fucking hate you.”

“And I fuckinglovethat you do.”

She’s inches away from me now. Her throat bobs as she swallows, her nostrils flaring. When the errant thought about her lips slips into my mind again, I don’t dismiss it this time. Instead, I grab the side of her face and crush her lips to mine.

I kiss her harshly. The kiss lasts all of two seconds. At first Alize kisses me back, until she doesn’t. She punches me in the chest—right where she stabbed me last night—and sinks her teeth into my lower lip way too hard. It knocks the wind out of me, and she uses the opportunity to run away.

The door to her room slams shut.

I smile through the pain.

This is so much fucking fun.

She’s desperate to shield herself from the truth of our situation. No matter how hard she fights it, what we have is undeniable. Since Alize refuses to admit how much she wants me, I’ll have to chip away at her little by little.

It’s the only way.

