Page 70 of Blood Money

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“Did something happen with Nya?” I ask.

That’s what gets him talking.

“No, nothing happened,” he says finally. “We don’t have a relationship for anything to happen.”

I know denial when I hear it. “What did you do?”

Vance spins around sharply to face me. Though he’s obviously doing his best to hide what’s really going on with him, the evidence of his aggravation bleeds through his facade. I don’t even think he knows that he’s frowning.

“I didn’t do anything,” he says. “Like I said, there’s nothing to fucking talk about because there’s nothing between us.”

I’ve found his trigger, apparently.

Good. “She’s your Courtesan, and you took her on the tri—”

“She isn’t my Courtesan anymore,” Vance cuts in. “And the trip was a mistake. We both realized that after we came back. So, there you have it.”

He pulls a smile that doesn’t reach his eyes.

Apparently a lot happened while I was out of it.

I’ve been so caught up in my own life and my own problems I didn’t even realize my best friend’s life was unraveling too. It’s unlike Vance to keep his problems bottled up for long, but for whatever reason, he must not want to talk about this.

That, I can understand.

In the few years we’ve been friends, Vance has gone through more girls than I can count. It’s his speciality—choosing a Courtesan has never meant exclusivity for him, it only meant that was the girl who would be his ‘main girl’ for the year.

Most of them, I never even met.

Nya was different, though. Ezra and I both saw the difference in him when she was around, and the reverence he spoke of her with, even when she wasn’t in the room. There is no fucking way he’s just dropped her cold turkey like that.

The fact that he doesn’t want to talk about it, and is so desperate to convince me there isn’t a story there just means that there is one. I won’t press him on it, though.

I already have enough to worry about. This will have to wait until I get back.

“Skylar doesn’t seem like your type.”

He’s finished loading his things into his bag. “I don’t have a type,” he grins.

I shrug. If he wants to play dumb about it, I guess I can too.

“Fine,” I say. “I don’t give a fuck what you want to do, just make sure nothing happens to Alize.”

Vance nods. “Are you worried something might?”

Am I worried?I ponder his question for a few seconds. I want to say no, that it’s just a precaution, but there’s a sinking feeling in the pit of my stomach I just can’t shake.

“I don’t know,” I finally say. “As of recently, things haven’t been happening the way I thought they will.” I feel like I’m losing control. Ihatefeeling like that.

“She’ll be safe,” Vance says. “Ezra and I will make sure that anyone who decides to fuck with her while you’re gone will wish they hadn’t.”


Regardless of what happens, I can be sure of that.

“Thanks, man,” I say, checking my watch. My next meeting is in thirty minutes. I’ll have to make the call to my father quickly if I want to make it in time. “I’ve got to go.”

Vance slaps me on the shoulder.
