Page 78 of Playing For Keeps

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The music started and Lisa walked in, followed by Celia and Toni. Emma hit the doors and gave him a smile before turning her gaze to Miles with a wink.

“What was that about?” he asked him.

“I said Emma wanted you to meet her friend. She wanted Stacey to be happy and figured if I liked you, she might too.”

“Yeah well you should have drug them to see me two years ago,” he stated as the music changed. His heart tightened seeing her in the doorway and the fact that she was with her father was more than anything he’d ever expected. The smile on her lips and the happiness in her eyes allowed him to let out the breath he’d been holding and when she reached him, he couldn’t stop himself from kissing her.

“We’ll get to that in a bit,” the pastor stated with a laugh that the rest of the guests joined.

“You’re okay?” he asked glancing at the man who shook his hand.

“Perfect,” she answered giving Noah a smile. “I’ll tell you later I promise.”

“Good enough for me,” he stated as they stepped up.

“Welcome friends, family, today is a day that has been twelve years in the making, a day that none of us truly expected to see but are honored to witness,” the pastor began and she smiled at Jake knowing it was true.

The ceremony went by quickly and when he announced them husband and wife cheers rang out around the church. They grew louder as he kissed her showing them all that he loved her beyond anything and she him.

The reception was beyond enjoyable and Miles’ toast was hilarious. Emma sent her a grin as she stood up and looked around the room.

“Well, it’s a good thing Jake and Stacey decided to do this down here because if we were back home there’d be a line of sad puppy dog faces lining the streets in mourning. Back in February, we never expected we’d find ourselves standing beside our best friends as they got married. Honestly, I never expected Stacey to get married at all and neither did anyone else, I think. Not because she never was asked out because believe me, there were entirely too many dates and even more asks, but then Jake shows up and suddenly our girl is different,” Emma said grinning.

“She was no longer dating this person or that one, for most of the time less than one date, but suddenly she was spending way too much time at home. The first time I saw them together I knew there was something special between them but she refused to admit to anything. When I found out that she and Jake had been high school sweethearts I honestly think my jaw hit the floor, but it all made sense. Now we are thrilled to be here to be with you two, finally, and we want you both to know how much we all love you. You were meant to be together and there is no denying that,” she said with a wink to them.

“My amazing best friend here, the girl that yes I nearly killed accidentally and who has been a sister to me for years is now a married woman and even though she has a photographic memory and already knows, I love you. You told us seven months ago that love never fails and today we all get to see how true it is. Congratulations Stacey, Jake—if you ever hurt her there will be a long line of Brokens to return the favor, cheers!” she said raising her glass making her laugh.

“I love you Em,” she whispered hugging her tightly.

They stayed a bit longer before doing the bouquet toss, which landed with her oldest sister Cassie, and she laughed when the garter landed with Lucca.

“Jealous?” Jake asked holding her against him as they watched them dance.

“Nope, what about you though? Wondering if maybe you shouldn’t have held off and taken a chance at one of my sisters?”

“Never, I have the original. They’re just close copies,” he stated giving her a long kiss that had them leaving to head to the hotel for their wedding night.

He held her tightly the next morning tracing lines down her sides when he finally asked. “What did Noah say to you?”

“The truth, along with giving me a stack of letters my mother refused over the years. He tried Jake but she ran him off the way I did you.”

“With the black luck worry?”

“Yeah and she didn’t want me to have anything to do with him if she couldn’t have him. She wrote him a letter telling him to leave me alone that we wanted nothing to do with him, but he kept writing even when they were returned to him unopened.”

“And now?”

“I thought we could go for a visit when things quiet down, get to know them…”

“Of course baby,” he agreed kissing her with a smile. “So no more bad luck?”

“None whatsoever. You’re all the luck I need Jake, just you and me.”

“And maybe a tiny tot sometime down the road?” he asked.

“I think I could be okay with that,” she answered. “For right now though, I just want you inside me.”

“I can arrange that,” he whispered against her lips turning her onto her back. She wrapped her legs around his waist as he slid into her depth and sent her on a ride that left her trembling.

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